Listeners Lounge

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Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Take a Break From Lambasting Mike Church & Try Your Hand At Pasting The American Conservative Magazine

Mandeville, LA - When you take a break from lambasting me for refusing to go with the Anyone But Obama herd; refusing to give credence to the "most important election of our lifetime" propaganda and constantly making the point that voting is but a miniscule part of self-governing, you might want to take some swings at the Editorial Board of the American Conservative Magazine. TAC writers also remain unconvinced that […]

todayOctober 31, 2012 10

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Your daily dose of “Mike You’re Bitter & Angry & Hate Your Country Because Ron Paul Lost

Mandeville, LA - Your daily dose of "Mike you are bitter and angry and hate your country because Ron Paul lost, hate mail! "You all are too eager too waist your vote when we need to get Obama out of office so badly. Mr Church I've been listening to you for about a year, and I was interested until now. I am no longer going to listen to you because […]

todayOctober 25, 2012 10

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Your Daily Dose Of “Mike, Why Do You Hate Your Country by Not Endorsing Romney!?”

Mandeville, LA - Now I am accused of hating my country because I wish it to stop killing innocent people the world over!? I am also supposed to "do as others in my field have done" and get with "bringing our Government back to the people"!? By doing what!? Endorsing fools who gave us the NDAA, Patriot Act and Domestic drone use? The "my country, good or bad" (see Cales Ryn) […]

todayOctober 23, 2012 6

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Your Daily Dose Of… “Apologies for Hating on the King Dude”

Mike I want to apologize.. I stopped listening to you as much as I fell into the trap like most of my so called Conservative friends in that getting rid of Obama was all that mattered.. After the debate last night its crystal clear there is virtually no difference between Obama and Romney on any issue that really matters.. You have always been spot on and I will doubt you.. […]

todayOctober 23, 2012 8

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Your Daily Dose Of, “Mike, What The H*ll Does The Constitution Have To Do With Anyone But Obama!?”

Mandeville, LA  - I was listening to your show a few minutes ago, 10/16/2012, and your ranting about whether Obama should be pressured on his Benghazi knowledge whether it was a terrorist attack or not when it happened and not a video. You were criticizing conservatives for pursuing this thought, at least what I picked up on from listening to you. If wrong I apologize. You have your opinion as […]

todayOctober 18, 2012 11

Listeners Lounge

Ron Paul Supporters: Meet “The Choicers”

RON PAUL SUPPORTERS: MEET “THE CHOICERS” By Brutus Anonymous Location, Azusa - Margaret Thatcher is famous for many things but not for her standup joke routine perhaps that should change. One evening while dining with some dignified heads of state and her staff at a posh London steak house, Lady Thatcher was asked what her meal preference was, all chatter ceased as Thatcher sternly replied “I will have the Beef […]

todayOctober 11, 2012 15

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

You’re Daily Dose of “Mike, Stop NOT Kissing 100% Of Romney Propaganda!

Mandeville, LA - Here is your daily dose of vitriol hurled at your most kind and gracious host for his failure to accept, whole cloth, 100% of the Romney propaganda. Silly me and my 18th century, critically thinking mind! Name: Shary C. Comments: Mike, Every morning I would wake up your show as it was the first show. On many issues I see eye to eye with you. However, I […]

todayOctober 4, 2012 4


Where Y’at Drudge!? DeceptiCON Media Refuse to Report Revolt Against Dark Lord Karl Rove

Mandeville, LA - DeceptiCON n. An individual in the employ of media billionaires that promote and defend statism as an antidote to statism Karl Rove has long been the Dark Lord of the DeceptiCON Establishment that holds court on Fox News, terrestrial talk radio, most of the tea party and think tanks that cover the east coast like a skin cancer. Rove infamously called the Iraq War an experiment worthy […]

todaySeptember 2, 2012 16

Mike's Hate Mail graphic


Rick From VA to Mike: Bail on Your Silly, Pathetic Ron Paul Revolution & Support Romney

Updated with Editor's Note: Richard has discovered that his letter was published and in a growing fit of rage and delusion, fired off 4 sccessive, progrogressively outraged responses to other member's responses, they are all gathered into one post in the comment section below, followed by Mike Church's response. Tampa, FL - From today's show-the email I read on-air: Mike- Your learned grasp of American history and respect for Liberty […]

todayAugust 29, 2012 7
