
1001 Results / Page 80 of 112



DeceptiCONS Can’t Diagnose DeceptiCON’S Error-Fueled Jihad

Mandeville, LA - Pop Quiz, Hotshot -Listeners and browsers who have followed this page for some time should be capable of immediately spotting the erroneous thinking (even though his premise is correct)behind the WSJ's über DeceptiCON Brett Stephens' hissy fit over Europe's, "refugee" fueled, self-inflicted jihad: "Europe is dying because it has become morally incompetent. It isn’t that Europe stands for nothing. It’s that it stands for shallow things, shallowly. Europeans […]

todayOctober 21, 2015 5


Living Wills and The Culture of Death – The Sermon

Mandeville, LA - I mentioned on today's SiriusXM Radio Show that if you are currently signed up to be an organ donor you should re-consider that as a Christian/Catholic (one in the same but some demand the distinction). I referenced a sermon from a very well spoken Priest who does not like his name being used,  so profound is his Humility of Heart. I am enclosing the audio of that […]

todayOctober 19, 2015 5


Where’s Waldo? And What Is Happening With Mike Church?

Mandeville, LA - Friends, very soon, I will make you aware of an intriguing career move, meanwhile, if you are following the current iteration and wish to continue to do so, I suggest you signup for our email list, you get store discounts from it ANYWAY!, The signup link is posted on this page at here: CLICK THIS LINK TO SIGNUP FOR MIKE CHURCH'S DAILY [r]epublican Newsletter AND NEWS […]

todayOctober 16, 2015 2


Modernists Were Wrong Feature Presentation Part 1- Audio, Video, Graphics

Mandeville, LA - Here is what you've been waiting for: the feature presentation of Part 1 in our series The Modernists Were Wrong is available for viewing & Listening to all Founders Pass Members! What is This? SiriusXM Radio Host Mike Church and Br. Andre Marie of The St Augustine Institute discuss why The Modernists Were Wrong as in Modern philosophers: Hobbes, des Cartes, Locke, Bacon, Hume, Rousseau, Marx and many, […]

todayOctober 12, 2015 11


Midder Church: How Do I Work Among Abortion Loving Feminists & Remain True?

Mandeville, LA  - A young woman wrote to me seeking answers to her career concerns dealing with radical feminism (Marxist, Sodomite vampires!) including proud tales of pro-abortion advice among her colleagues. I relay my answer to her in the hope that it may be useful to others. Dear M----------, I’m not qualified to answer your question in any secular sense as I bear not the requisite degrees and “doctorates” necessary […]

todayOctober 11, 2015 7


New eBook From Mike Church: The Siege of Malta!

Mandeville, LA - JUST ADDED NEW EXCLUSIVE: The Siege of Malta ebook FREE to members. The story of the Siege is interwoven with the tale of two adversaries, the aging Grand Master Jean Parisot de la Valette, and his contemporary, the Barbary corsair Dragut Reis who commanded the fleet of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. It is also the story of thousands of lives of Maltese Islanders, men at arms to the Knights […]

todayOctober 7, 2015 10

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1861 Editorial: The Lord’s Indictment Against The ‘Murican Nation

Mandeville, LA - Here is the essay I read on air during Tuesday's broadcast that contained the caustic yet revealing lines: “We the people” made the Constitution, and “We the people” have worshipped it as the mirror of our own wisdom and power. Not Pharaoh boasting: “My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself;” not Nebuchadnezzar, strutting upon his palace wall and saying, “Is not this […]

todayOctober 1, 2015 7


Modernists Were Wrong Part 2 Video with Audio

Mandeville, LA - Part 2 of our series The Modernists Were Wrong, available for re-viewing. This is Part 2 in a series between Mike Church and Br. Andre Marie discussing why The Modernists Were Wrong. Upon initial broadcast there a difficulty with the audio, but that has been resolved so here is part 2 with audio and video. The final complete presentation will be available soon, so stay tuned! Members can […]

todaySeptember 30, 2015 5
