
1980 Results / Page 135 of 220



The Neo-Confederate Storm: Rand Paul, Jack Hunter, And All Those “Bigoted Southern Rebels”

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The decepticon establishment -- you know them as neocons; I call them decepticons. This is just one of many things that’s going to be done in an effort to try and stop the rise of Senator Paul, because Paul poses an imminent threat. That’s how I view it, Andrew. You may not view it like that. You may view it as the good citizens […]

todayJuly 10, 2013 8


Student Loans Belong In The Market, Not The Government

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Once something becomes law, even if the Republican Party opposed it, they will ultimately find a way to make it their own, and it will then become a part of conservatism. Sure enough, student loans have now become part of a conservative policy in the House of Representin’, I guess. Members of the GOP are demanding that action be taken immediately to spare those […]

todayJuly 10, 2013 21

The Founders

James Madison On Taxes And Immigration

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I just found it really fortuitous that I stumbled upon this letter while watching the Snowden clip about the nobility of the federal government and that’s what it was that drew Edward Snowden to it, then tying the whole immigration part of this letter to our current pickle over said immigration, being able to then see that back in 1794, 1795, 1796, just years […]

todayJuly 9, 2013 12


Will Texas Defend Its Sovereignty For The Abortion Bill?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Would the preservation then of life itself be an instigation enough for Texas to actually think about what it is that the Texas Nationalist Movement has been advocating for over a decade and rid yourself of the exterior force that inviolates your laws, orders, your people about, confiscate your private property, regulate your air and water, spies on your citizens without approbation and the […]

todayJuly 9, 2013 8


Let’s Just Incorporate Every Constitutional Amendment And Be Done With It

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Just when you thought it was safe to turn on conservative radio again or read conservative publications, here we find a plea on the pages of the Washington Times from the editorial board to incorporate the Third Amendment so that police in Nevada can be prevented from using a neighbor’s home to surveil another neighbor. I am all for preventing the cop from breaking […]

todayJuly 9, 2013 8


Caller Aaron Discusses Waste, Fraud And Abuse In The Military

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’m currently a member of the military and have been for a while. I just deployed and got back from Afghanistan. I have firsthand experience of what you’re saying. This is a complete boondoggle. There were maintenance contractors and intelligence contractors and so forth earning well into the six figures in their income and they really didn’t do anything all day long. In fact, […]

todayJuly 8, 2013 9


Public Education Is Designed To Create Workers, Not Thinkers

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We have education systems today and we all agree the education is not to make better Christian young men and women of great virtue and great promise and great potential. We have an education system that is designed and specifically and explicitly constructed to do what? Train the next generation of workers. We all say it all the time. Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayJuly 8, 2013 20


Will Congress Raise The Debt Ceiling? Of Course They Will!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Speaker of the House John Boehner and company plan to begin dealing with this this week. There are a couple plans out there. I love how the National Journal story frames this today. [mocking] “They’re going to begin their deliberation with the far right-wing plan of Paul Ryan.” The far right-wing plan of Paul Ryan, you mean the one that adds trillions of dollars […]

todayJuly 8, 2013 10


Greenwald And Snowden: NSA Is Spying On Brazil, Germany, Anyone And Everyone

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Ladies and gentlemen, if you’re not keeping up with this, grab a set of ears and get in the game. Now we know exactly, or we can theorize, what exactly is being stored in that massive data collection facility in Utah that can hold six zettabytes of data. It was theorized by some computer scientist -- and a zettabyte is almost impossible to comprehend […]

todayJuly 8, 2013 6
