
1980 Results / Page 208 of 220



2,300 Ways To Re-Declare Independence

[mp3t track='20111208_church_doctrine_sponsored.mp3']2,300 Ways To Re-Declare Independence2011 Mike ChurchMandeville, LA - Mike Church Audio & Transcript - If you have ever wondered just how we became servants to the largest government in the history of large governments a study of the 2008 meltdown and its aftermath yields significant answers. When the Federal Reserve created bubble exploded in August of that year the body that gave the Fed life, the Congress, reacted […]

todayDecember 8, 2011 7


The GinGrinch Who Stole Conservatism

[mp3t track='07122011_Transcript1_who_are_these_conservative_voters_and_why_dont_they_defend_constitution.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: Here, under the heading Has Gingrich Changed, by Mark Steyn, posted yesterday, National Review Online. So it was about time for Steyn to step up to the plate and say, okay, well, heres what I think about Newt Gingrich. And he wrote this back in November of 1998 in the London Spectator. And Steyn says, well, today this is still true:Anyway, back then, after […]

todayDecember 8, 2011 6


Mike Church Show Transcript-The USA, Bottled Water Provider Of First Resort

[mp3t track='06122011_Transcript2_US_bottled_water_provider_of_first_resort.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptCaller: In the last couple months I have called other radio talk show hosts, just to try to insert some intelligent thought in their show. And they basically give me the equivalent of just the middle finger, the intellectual middle finger. They dont even want to hear my question. Or if they give me an answer, its, you know yesterday I called a show, and […]

todayDecember 7, 2011 3


Mike Church Show Transcript-Gingrich DID Promote Taxing Carbon!

[mp3t track='05122011_Gingrich_conservatism_cap_and_trade.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: Well, [George] Will also said this:  Ask yourself this:  Suppose Gingrich or Romney become President and get reelected suppose you had eight years of this, George Will said.  What would the conservative movement be?  How would it understand itself after eight years?  I think what would have gone away, perhaps forever, is the sense of limited government, the Tenth Amendment, Madisonian government of limited, […]

todayDecember 6, 2011 4


Church Doctrine-A Funny Thing happened On The Way To Iowa

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To IowaChurch Doctrine - A Funny Thing Happened On The Way ToIowa|| folks, its Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.2011 Mike Church The Republican Iowa caucus is scheduled for Tuesday January 3rd and thefield of candidates has begun to narrow as have the potential winners.The latest Des Moines County Register poll has Newt Gingrich in first at 25%, Ron Paul in second at […]

todayDecember 5, 2011 5


Help Wanted to Save Your Country: Strong Fathers

[mp3t track='29112011_Transcript1_Fathers_more_important_than_selfish_single_mothers_EDIT.mp3']I do not even know how to define this.  I dont even know if Im a social conservative anymore.  I cant tell.  Listen up.  Charles Murray, one of the great minds of the last half of the 20th Century, is a scholar.  He writes about things that no one else will write about them because the other people that write about them get fired, or harassed and laughed out […]

todayNovember 29, 2011 9


Mike Church Show Transcript-Ben Franklin's President Would Accept NO PAY!

[mp3t track='22112011_Transcript1_Franklins_salary_free_executive.mp3'] Mike: I absolutely would not. I hold out no hope for any official disbursement of funds through the federal Leviathan, that that fixes anything. Including paying the President 20 million a year. You know, in the Federal Convention of 1787, AG, this is part of my movie, The Spirit of 76, theres a whole scene in there where Ben Franklin says that he didnt think that our executives […]

todayNovember 26, 2011 13


LIVE COVERAGE & CHAT-CNN-Heritgae-AEI National Security Debate

Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, La.- JJoin Mike Church tonight for live commentary and analysis during the Republican Candidates debatebroadcast from Constitution Hall, Washington, DC at 8 PMEastern sponsored by CNN, The Heritage Foundation and the AEI. Tonight's debate will be moderated by "Teen" Wolf Blitzer and "foreign policyexperts" from Heritage and AEI.  Look for Mike's pre-debate analysis and commentary here, at 7:30 p.m.eastern. PLUS get exclusive discounts on DudeGear Store merchandise,just in […]

todayNovember 22, 2011 9


Church Doctrine-When Historians Advise Mortgage Brokers

[mp3t track='20111121_church_doctrine.mp3']When $30,000 Per Hour Historians Double As Mortgage Brokers2011 Mike ChurchExclusive, Audio & Transcript - Hey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine. If you fancy yourself a politician these days It has become fashionable to call yourself conservative. If you are a conservative politician who retires to private life as a lobbyist, you are now a lobbyist and no longer a conservative. Why, Because you are complicit […]

todayNovember 21, 2011 3
