Transcripts President's Weekly Address: In the Name of Empire, We must Raise the Debt Ceiling WASHINGTON District of Criminals In this weeks address, President Obama called on both factions of the statist parties to work together to find a balanced approach to solving the nations deficit problem so that wars may continue unabated. The President emphasized the importance additional sacrifice from the people so that the federal government can overcome the chorus of those who wish to see a reduction in spending, thus allowing for […] todayJuly 16, 2011 6
Transcripts The Misapplication of the 14th Amendment and its Relation to Leviathan [mp3t track='08072011_Transcript1_Incorporation_Doctrine.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptDamon: So about a month ago I was listening to another talk show, and they were talking about the Westboro Baptist Church thing. And I called in to tell them, look, the First Amendment says Congress shall make no law. It doesnt say anybody else, you know, states, municipalities, cities, et cetera. And he went on, and this is the same guy thatll sit there […] todayJuly 8, 2011 3
Transcripts Regulatory Fees are Shadow-Taxes and thus Wholly Unconstitutional [mp3t track='08072011_Transcript2_Taxes_without_representation_FCC-EPA.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, La. Despite it being clear that ARTICLE I, Section 8 grants the Congress the power to tax, the cold-hard reality is that federal bureaucracies such as the EPA and FCC levy fees with reckless abandon. The resulting crisscrossed mesh of bloated bureaucratic fees is nothing more than what can only be referred to as shadow-taxes.The tax-by-proxy scheme is so onerous that it results in poor and middle-class […] todayJuly 8, 2011 5
Transcripts Scalia and the Incorporationists Strike Again [mp3t track='28062011_Transcript1_Incorporationistas_and_Scalia.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, La. - In a 7 to 2 vote on Monday, the United States Supreme Court in the matter of BROWN, GOVERNOR of CALIFORNIA, ET AL v. ENTERTAINMENT MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION ET AL struck down a California law that would have banned the sale of violent video games to minors, citing the law as unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment. However, Mike explains that precedent of incorporation, we have […] todayJune 29, 2011 12
Transcripts Texas Speaker Joe Straus Calls TSA Bill Publicity Stunt Texas Speaker Joe Straus Supports Child Molestation, Calls Bill "Publicity Stunt"(WIRE) THE LONE STAR REPORT- It flew through the House with nary a word against it in the regular session.But today Speaker Joe Straus called the anti-TSA-groping bill "ill-advised" and a "not well-researched" publicity stunt, after quickly gaveling in and out a five-minute floor session this morning.The possible lack of quorum may have been the official reason that bill did […] todayJune 27, 2011 6
Transcripts Nationalizing the Vagabond Recipient Class [mp3t track='24062011_Transcript2_Recipient_classes_vagabonds.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: Didnt I tell you people the other day Jason, hold on. Didnt I tell you people the other day that the people that were haranguing NBC probably dont know that it was a Bellamy guy who was an avowed socialist that came up with the pledge as an expression of nationalism, which the socialists believe, if you can start nationalizing patriotism, well, then you […] todayJune 25, 2011 10
Transcripts Supreme Court Rules Citizens Can Sue Under Tenth Amendment [mp3t track='210611_Interview_Gutzman_2.mp3']Unfortunately the Supreme Court is Ruling based on a Very Narrow InterpretationNEW ORLEANS, La. - Dr. Kevin Gutzman joins Mike to discuss the Supreme Court decision in BOND v. UNITED STATES, whereby all nine "Bandits in Black Robes" i.e. SCotUS justices ruled unanimously that individual citizens do have standing to sue regarding federal laws under the 10th Amendment.About Dr. Kevin GutzmanKevin R. C. Gutzmans first book was the New […] todayJune 21, 2011 6
Transcripts The Natural Right to Secession, Nullification: A Discussion with Prof. Livingston [mp3t track='pss20110606.mp3']Interview with Professor LivingstonPost Show Show 06/06/20112011 Mike ChurchNEW ORLEANS, La. - Mike welcomes Professor Livingston to the June 6th, 2011 edition of the Post Show Show for a necessary discussion of the historical precedents surrounding nullification, secession, and how unlike our former British masters, the people not parliament are the ultimate sovereigns. Let us not discount the absolute importance of understanding this core precept as it was the […] todayJune 7, 2011 7
Transcripts Hoosiers Rise Up to Push back Against State Government [mp3t track='19052011_Transcript2_IN_4th_Amendment_nitwittery.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: And it is a story about how remember how last, I guess it was on Mondays show I covered the story about the state of Indianas Supreme Court that had decided in its infinite dumb-assity that the citizens of Indiana should be subject to search and seizure and police invasion of their homes without provocation and without warrant. And it didnt matter what they […] todayMay 21, 2011 4
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1775