american exceptionalism

81 Results / Page 7 of 9



Gotta Have More War – Senate Approves Arming Syrian Rebels

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Good freaking grief. Let me translate that. A Senate panel has voted to tax you on your way to work today so you can buy Achmed, a Syrian rebel, a nice, shiny, new M16 with a full -- here’s the bonus: I bet the Syrian rebels will get the extended clips that American patriots aren’t supposed to get because we might do evil, despicable […]

todayMay 22, 2013 6


The Good Vs. Evil Paradigm Is Shifting

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Tom Woods and Kevin Gutzman are probably two of the smartest men that I have certainly ever met. Tom was a late bloomer. Tom started out as what he calls a neocon and what I call a decepticon. It’s not until you immerse yourself in the actual study of history -- I don’t just mean the epical history we love to romanticize about. I […]

todayMay 14, 2013 10


Rep. Tom Cotton Wants An American War With Syria

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Why are members of the war party out there stumping for war in Syria? This is just perplexing and it’s so damn frustrating. I have this member of Congress, Tom Cotton, who is on Meet the Half-Court Press yesterday. “The United States should arm opposition fighters in Syria and create a no-fly zone over the war-torn nation,” Representative Tom Cotton (R-AR) said on NBC’s […]

todayMay 8, 2013 5


John McCain Thinks We Should “Crater The Runways” In Syria

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – But a no-fly zone is an act of war. He said “crater their runaways.” You start bombing people’s runways, that’s an act of war. The Congress has to authorize. That’s what pisses me off about this. You have this guy droning on about destroying infrastructure in a country that we’re not in a declared war with. Under whose authority do you bomb and crater […]

todayMay 6, 2013 26


78,000 U.S. Military Troops Are Stationed In South Korea And Japan

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Patrick J. Buchanan wonders on the pages of The Imaginative Conservative website yesterday just why it is that we have 78,000 troops stationed in Japan and South Korea. There’s no place to trim any of this stuff. Our vainglorious empire cannot be whittled down one iota. The world is relying on the American people’s ability to borrow money and enslave future generations into debt […]

todayApril 10, 2013 8

Daily Clip

Imagination Is What’s Needed To Unplug From The State

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I would suggest to you that there are few people out there who could imagine what life would actually be like if you actually had to take care of ourselves, if we had to actually run and mind our own business and our own community, if we were actually forced, because of the conditions we have foisted on ourselves, to do all these things […]

todayApril 9, 2013 9

Daily Clip

The State That Booed The Golden Rule Again Chooses Mark Sanford

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – While it is always ill-advised and inadvisable to cheat on your wife, violate your oath, lie, do other forms of cheating, steal, whatever the case may be, we cannot deny that there is available to us mercy. Without mercy, the human condition would cease to exist as any manner or form of an organized society, because once you’ve sinned, you’re kicked out. Check out […]

todayApril 3, 2013 16


History Proves A War Hawk Foreign Policy Leads To Moral Devolution Of Society

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I view the foreign policy debate not as an emotional thing and as a victory that I’d like to see a party carry. That’s an historical thing to me. It is informed by the history. The history says that these are horrifically dangerous precedents to set. Free people, if they really cherish their liberties, they don’t have and they don’t want a standing army. […]

todayMarch 22, 2013 18

Daily Clip

American Exceptionalism Is Not A Compliment

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is a very dangerous thing that we have done. We are flirting with disaster. We are flirting with human misery. We are not the exception to the rule of human nature, sir. We are humans. We are fallible. Human nature does not change over continents. In our arrogance and saying things like you just said, we make ourselves “We’re the exception. We would […]

todayMarch 20, 2013 6
