insert_link Transcripts Legitimate Divine Authority – Bobby Jindal Discussion Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I respectfully dissent and point to the actions of the State of Virginia in 1798 on nullification and interposition, and if not just outright civil disobedience. Just say no. Someone in authority in a state has to say no. Greg Abbott has already caved. Jindal has caved. The governor of Mississippi has caved. The governor of Alabama is probably going to cave today. Will […] todayOctober 22, 2015 4
insert_link Church Doctrine Mary Landrieu-The Cousin It of Personal-Foulers Mary Landrieu-The Cousin It of Personal-Foulers Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's bi-weekly Church Doctrine video. If you watch a lot of football you’ve seen the “he hit me first”, personal foul penalty that usually does not get called against the guy that “hit first”. I’m throwing a personal foul flag at Senator Mary Landrieu, she hit first, on Christmas Eve, 2009, with her “Louisiana Purchase[d]” vote for the Gordian monstrosity […] todayDecember 12, 2013 9
insert_link Transcripts Obamacare – An Austrian Economics Lesson Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – In Human Action, you learn one of the principles of the Austrian economists is you can’t predict what people are going to do. A scheme like the Affordable Care Act is what you should call a planned market. It is a centrally-planned market. Centrally-planned markets don’t work. They do not deliver what it is they are created to deliver. They don’t deliver it because […] todayOctober 7, 2013 12
insert_link Church Doctrine Eric Holder Needs To Butt Out of Louisiana’s School Voucher Revolution Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - When Styx’s Tommy Shaw sang “too much time on my hands” he claimed to be a “jet fuel genius who can solve the world’s problems without even trying”. This must be what drives Attorney General Eric Holder to continue the unconstitutional federal intrusion into that most local of all issues: education. todayAugust 27, 2013 48
insert_link Transcripts Louisiana, Incorporation, And States’ Rights Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Because a court makes a decision that alters or purports to alter foundational law, which the Constitution is, does not make it right. What they’ve basically done is amend the First Amendment. In the McDonald case, they amended the Second Amendment. In other cases, they amended Amendments Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight as well. They don’t have the authority to do that. […] todayMarch 23, 2013 7
insert_link Transcripts Is The Tea Party Over? Libs Have Grave Dances Ready & Say “Yes!” Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I think the challenge for the future of that particular body of movement is to move beyond the electronic media and get into actually doing things, get into actually meeting face to face. Meeting face to face has its advantages. Meeting face to face and trying to find if there is any common ground when you’re not blabbing on endlessly on Facebook is a […] todayJanuary 30, 2013 19
insert_link Church Doctrine When Bailout Money Leads To The Biggest Bailout Of All Time When in Rome do as the Roman’s do or as we might say in 2012 Louisiana do as the Madoffs do. Last week I reported that Governor Bobby Jindal has boasted of conning the all too willing Federal Leviathan into “covering” 85% of the State’s Hurricane Isaac costs. Well not to be outdone in the mad rush for Pyhrric money, now I can wonder how the citizens of dry as […] todaySeptember 14, 2012 11
Pile Of Prep One Man One Vote Gets Unless Your Vote Is For Ron Paul-LA GOP Refuses To Send Paul Delegates to RNC LA GOP refuses to send Ron paul delegates-duly ELECTED delegates-to National Convention. This will set off a massive nationwide revolt against the Romney campaign that it can ill afford Ron Paul 2012 campaign to challenge the results but what they should do is encourage the RP delegates to pull a 1964 Democrat Party manuever Steyn: The President of Chick Fil-A has the same position on gay marriage that President Obama […] todayJuly 30, 2012 4
insert_link Church Doctrine Our Emperors Have No Clothes (Or Money) Our Emperors Have No Clothes (or Money) ©2012 Mike Church Here is shocking headline number 1 “Louisiana faces cuts in its $7 BILLION Medicaid program”. Here is shocking headline number 2 “This will have a devastating effect on the people served”. That second headline is a real humdinger of an oxymoron because the “people served” by the government of Louisiana are the people that pay taxes to live here, […] todayJuly 17, 2012 5
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1655
The CRUSADE Channel & Mike Church Show Achieve Milestone of Episode 2,000! Celebrate “Y2K-D” With Us!
The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy