
58 Results / Page 2 of 7


Daily Clip

Today’s Southern Christian Man Is Not So Christian And Likes Porn

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What Father Chad Ripperger calls a heroic morality, men exhibiting heroic moral virtue.  Both of you on that point, I’m going to give both of you something to think about here.  Early in the show today when you guys weren’t here and it was just me solo, I was talking about I figured out this problem.  I can diagnose this problem now.  I got […]

todaySeptember 16, 2015 4

Daily Clip

Change The World By Being Christian

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There is no intelligent discourse, or there is very little.  The reason there is very little is because people would have to be intelligent and would have to acknowledge that they have an intellect in order to use it.  Most people don't acknowledge it, and the reason they don't acknowledge it is because they don't acknowledge that there are two realms in which we […]

todayJuly 20, 2015 8

Daily Clip

Will Any Opponents of SSM Take Up The Manifesto Of Christian Resistance?

Audio Proclamation-The Manifesto of Christian Resistance Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "One of the things that you learn in philosophia perennis, if you stick with it and get all the way to ethics – I’m on ethics lesson nine now.  What happened to the fear and trembling mentioned in the Old and New Testament?  Why don’t men fear and tremble before the awesome, almighty, omnipotent power of Almighty God?  […]

todayJune 10, 2015 12


I Know Iran Will Kill Us, CNN Told Me So

Mike Talks With Andrew Bieszad On Iran Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s talk to Andrew Bieszad, who is an Islamic scholar and a frequent guest on this show.  He knows more about Iran, the history of Iran and the people that populate it now.  Of course, always welcome back, Andrew."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Let’s talk to Andrew Bieszad, who […]

todayMarch 14, 2015 4

Mordor on potomac


The Judicial Dictatorship Of Mordor

Mordor on the Potomac Destroys the Constitution's Republicanism Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I’d say that the established religion in the United States is the godless, soulless, perverted Constitution.  That’s what creates the hierarchy.  This is what creates the power structure."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript [reading] Consider what has transpired in our lifetime. The Supreme Court has ordered the de-Christianization of all […]

todayOctober 22, 2014 26

Mordor on potomac


Cranes, Pt. II, Why Mordor on The Potomac is Guaranteed to Grow

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Focusing in on that last paragraph there, that you’d be better off to build up your own community and institutions inside them to withstand the chaos ahead.  Bingo.  That is the only viable option.  It’s the only one.  Folks, there’s not going to be a “conservative” media takeover of lib media.  Even if there was, even if there was, we’ve already seen what that produces: […]

todayOctober 6, 2014 3


Is Killing Innocent Civilians An Acceptable Part Of Obama’s Atrocity In Syria?

How Many Civilians Are Considered "Acceptable" In The Eyes Of Americans? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In the body count on day two of the illegitimate and illegal actions of the U.S. military in Syria, violating every precept and concept of just war theory, and the UN Charter, and the U.S. Constitution to boot, there are reports that there are a dozen dead civilians.  A town in Syria was decimated.  […]

todaySeptember 29, 2014 12



How To Be Christian And Engage In War – WARNING: DeceptiCON Health Hazard

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So questions and peaceful, humble answers, that’s not going to satisfy the talk radio mafia drunk on war, war, war, kill, kill, kill crowd.  I thought that we could flesh this story out just a bit with a short video clip from The History Channel about the persecution and then the martyrdom of the Theban Army under the command of a man now known as […]

todaySeptember 24, 2014 14

Daily Clip

Chelsea Clinton Celebrates the “Mystery” of Life as a Pro-Life Christian?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I heard this this morning and, I have to confess, I was taken aback.  I had to hear it again.  When I heard it a second time, I went: Hmm, I think that bears repeating.  You’re going to hear a digital media file, a quick clip, from the daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton.  This is Chelsea Clinton.  sounding very un-HILLARY like and very Christian!?" […]

todaySeptember 24, 2014 11
