
28 Results / Page 3 of 4



Morality And The Death Of The Family

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you’re to denounce your theological heritage, what are you to replace it with, what the cool kids with the pumped-up kicks say is theological heritage today? Is it theological at all? Most of them probably think we need no theology. “What’s God? What do we need that for? I can’t like God on Facebook. I can’t follow Jesus on Twitter. What do I […]

todayApril 1, 2013 13


Marriage Without God Is Not Marriage

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is an act that is supposed to be and was consecrated before God. That’s why you had a witness there. That’s why it was overseen by a priest or a rabbi or whatever religious faith. It’s because you were vowing in front of God that you take the woman or the woman takes the man to have and hold and all these things. […]

todayMarch 27, 2013 21

Daily Clip

Tradition Is Out And Contract Relationships Are In

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The act and action and activity of marriage is becoming less and less of a solemn act, solemn meaning you don’t break it. You do everything that you have to do or that you can or must do to avoid breaking it. That is just not the way it is viewed today. It is not the opinion of the majority of people, and that’s […]

todayMarch 27, 2013 3


Michael Brendan Dougherty: Pope Francis Maintaining The Status Quo

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I keep hearing the news yesterday about there’s 1.2 billion Catholics around the world. That number was larger. That number was larger a decade ago. That number is shrinking. It’s certainly shrinking in the United States. Why? They keep becoming more progressive. They keep adding things that make the Church more, in American political speak you would say liberal. Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayMarch 14, 2013 10


Anti-Discrimination Laws Unfairly Discriminate Against Businesses

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Laurence makes the case here that if you’re any sort of an organization, it doesn’t matter what it is, and you form a school or any sort of advocacy group that does this professionally, that is for-profit, you have a duty. If you’re going to be honest in your advertising, you have a duty to ensure that if you’re claiming you’re a Christian school […]

todayFebruary 14, 2013 10


Gay Marriage Is Just The First Of Many Perversions To Come

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Can you imagine the rest of your natural-born life, if you’re in your 30s or 40s, that for the next 40 or 50 years you will witness sexual perversions and depredations that you cannot imagine today that will be argued are perfectly as normal as Mr. Smith down the street shacking up with the four Mrs. Smiths and the three Mrs. Smith children all […]

todayJanuary 29, 2013 6


George Carey – Can Traditionalists Regain The Republican Party?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - This goes out to you people out there that agitate this and promote this, and you do so on a daily basis, if not hour by hour. [mocking] “We gotta take the party back. We gotta kick these RINOs out.” As I have been trying to preach to what I hope is an expanding choir out there, that is another fool’s err. Carey explains […]

todayJanuary 22, 2013 13


Dear Mike: You Are a Demeaning, Illiterate, Proselytizing, Catholic Dolt

Mr. Church, 1. "You people" is indeed demeaning.  But please continue.  It is your show. 2. Matriculate.  People do not matriculate to the city.  They move to the city. 3. Prurient?  Wanton desires. 4. What is insensitive?  Responding to a caller who mentioned he is paying $1,500 a month for his family insurance?  Laughing and wishing him the best of luck.  It is your show. 5. How about using your […]

todaySeptember 11, 2012 7


Traditions From First Principles MUST Be Defended – Caller Paul

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Paul in Virginia considers himself a "Burkean" (that's Edmund Burke for any beginners out there) and believes that the First Principles laid down by the Catholic Church are the ones that must be defended. And the Federal Government, who comes in with their "better" way of doing things, don't know anything about tradition or the metaphysical principles of the church. I'll let Paul speak […]

todayAugust 17, 2012 10
