
66 Results / Page 2 of 8



How Can Conservatives Win The Debate?

Truth Can Unify Us All Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "One is this essay, “How Can Conservatives Win the Debate?”  You can’t win the debate about conservatives until you can define what conservatism or what a conservative is.  In other words, you can’t defend something unless you know what it is.  Can anyone tell me what a conservative is?  Describe him to me.  Let’s see if there’s a universal […]

todayMay 3, 2016 3

Daily Clip

Mike Church Show: “Conservatives” Vow 3rd Party To Topple Trumpzilla-Hilarity Ensues.

Mandeville, LA - "Conservatives" Vow 3rd Party To Topple Trumpzilla-Hilarity Ensues. Mike asks the question: WHO are the "conservatives" that plan this 3rd party coup and WHO will be there "protest candidate"? The same people who have been telling us this is "the most important election of our lifetimes" are no plotting to field a 3rd party candidate to stop Donald Trump from becoming el Presidenté!? Won't that throw the […]

todayFebruary 25, 2016 3

Daily Clip

Mike Church Show FREE PREVIEW – The “Conservative” Doctrine

Mandeville, LA - On January 25th's Mike Church Show, Mike discusses how bad philosophy in politics has become the ONLY thing; bad philosophy and opinion is everything and fact and reason is nothing today. Where is the doctrine of the Republican Party found? Where does the "Book of Conservatism" define conservative doctrine? Listen to the FULL segment and much more by signing up as a Founder's Pass Member. [private |Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] [/private] THE […]

todayJanuary 25, 2016 5


Mike Church Show FREE PREVIEW – Debbie Schlussel on Trump and Conservatism

Mandeville, LA - On January 21nd's Mike Church Show, our own Debbie Schlussel called in for movie reviews but spurs a fascinating debate on Trump and the meaning of "conservative." Listen to the FULL segment and much more by signing up as a Founder's Pass Member. [private |Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] [/private] THE AWESOME BENEFITS OF JOINING THE VERITAS RADIO NETWORK REVOLUTION AND LISTENING TO THE NEW, MIKE CHURCH SHOW ON THE CRUSADE CHANNEL! […]

todayJanuary 22, 2016 12


Conservatism Defined

Russell Kirk Counseled Canons Of Conservatism Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s talk about Russell Kirk.  One of the things not known or not admitted or buried by alleged historians or devotees of Kirk is that he carried on or tarried on in the footsteps of St. Paul.  That’s what Birzer writes about."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Bradley Birzer wrote […]

todayOctober 29, 2015 35


Boehner, The One American Spiritually Affected By Pope Francis

UPDATED:  On September 28th, Mike Church told you that the reason Speaker Boehner quit was because his Catholicism was brought to bear on him by Pope Francis. Mike reiterated this over and over again and then after Vice President Biden announced he wouldn't run for President and instead started talking like a Catholic last week that he too was felled by "The Francis Effect". Lo and behold Speaker Boehner just confirmed […]

todayOctober 29, 2015 4


Fake Conservatives Deny Truth Just Like Liberals

Denying The Truth Doesn't Change The Facts Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The point was that the knowledge of science is not superior.  It is not the knowledge.  The knowledge is knowing the truth.  That leads to wisdom.  The knowledge of wisdom does not lead to wisdom."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  The point was that the knowledge of science is […]

todayOctober 26, 2015 4


When Did Conservatives Become Useful Idiots?

Useful Idiots Run The World Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The problem is the amount of power and the responsibility that has been transferred to the federal leviathan monster that is perched on the banks of the Potomac River.  Taxes is its blood.  You and I have blood.  That living organism, that living entity has taxes.  That's what courses through its veins.  Altering the manner in which the taxes […]

todayOctober 13, 2015 10


Hillsdale President Book Proves The State Is Our Religion And Salvation

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This is a book that’s written -- an advanced reader’s copy, uncorrected proof.  This is a book that is written by the president of Hillsdale College, Larry P. Arnn.  That’s curious that I should receive a book from Larry P. Arnn."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  As we explore this question here today, I’ll attempt […]

todayOctober 7, 2015 8
