insert_link Daily Clip If An American Cringes When A Fed Says “I’m From The Gubbmint & I’m Here To Help”, Why Wouldn’t A Syrian!? – The Mike Church Show Mandeville, La Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:17 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE The Washington Post has actually blamed President Trump for Hurricane Florence. You just can’t make this stuff up folks. Homes in our neighborhood all had significant hail damage. 90 something homes and ours was one that didn’t have to have the roof replaced. Having your house blessed is very […] todaySeptember 13, 2018 5
Church Doctrine Church Doctrine – segment 3 Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "We spend a lot of time, folks, on shows like this complaining about the lack of prelates, the lack of priests, the lack of bishops, the lack of parsons, the lack of preachers, etc., etc., the lack of the religious inserting themselves into the moral sewer in which we are all currently marinating." Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show […] todayApril 14, 2018 7
insert_link Transcripts I’m A Sexual Assault Victim Who Still Supports Trump – DC McAllister Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s go to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello to our old and dear friend, Denise “DC” McAllister, who is a prolific writer at, among other places, That’s where we find today the headline, “I’m A Sexual Assault Victim Who Still Supports Trump.” We are very delighted to have the presence of Ms. McAllister." Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike […] todayNovember 17, 2016 9
insert_link Transcripts Ilyse Hogue – Proud She Aborted Her Baby Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You should lament this. I would lament it if it happened in any “Christian” denomination, as they are called. The fact that it’s happening in the one that was established by Christ is not only shocking but just goes to show the level, the depths to which Christianity has plunged. Again, this has happened before. This is not the first time there has been […] todaySeptember 26, 2016 5
insert_link Transcripts The American Pharmaceutical Industry Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You might have noticed, folks, that white people are basically killing themselves. We’re doing this by abortion. We’re doing this by contraception. We’re doing this by actually killing ourselves. People are taking their lives. Suicide rates are up. What’s going on here?" Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Writes John Daniel Davidson: [reading] Nearly a decade ago, […] todaySeptember 7, 2016 6
insert_link Founders Pass Audio Media Center Nov 30 2015 PREVIEW – Planned Parenthood Fights for Life (of Workers) Mandeville, LA - In this preview from November 30th's Mike Church Show, Mike discusses the Culture of Death's response to the Planned Parenthood shooting. In a Guardian article Jessica Valenti rails against "Violent anti-choice rhetoric" and "pro-life lies," but never explains what the lies are. Pro-abortionists fight for the life of abortion workers while fighting for the death of babies within clinic walls. Listen to the FULL hour of audio below […] todayNovember 30, 2015 3
Transcripts If We Want To Control The Guns Killing People, We Start With The People Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The point I make in my post about this at the Daily Caller is that the old-school mass murderer nutjob at least had a work ethic. He didn't job the killing out to Smith & Wesson. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message from Mike - The Audio Clip of The Day files, Project 76 feature presentations, Church Doctrine audio & […] todaySeptember 3, 2015 5
Transcripts Hillary Vs. Jeb Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, I don't even know where to being with what you just heard. I don't even know where to begin with it. Let’s start here. First of all, let's not equivocate. Jeb Bush was asked a question about Planned Parenthood, Mrs. Clinton. That's what the question was asked about. That was the subject. Remember back in grammar school, subject and predicate. Check out […] todayAugust 9, 2015 7
Transcripts Rachel Lu Correctly Relates Natural Laws To Human Life And Asks Question: Are We A Nation That Kills Its Children? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I'll articulate this vocally, but I'll let Rachel Lu in a couple short paragraphs articulate it literally. She's writing about these allegedly liberal Catholic women that say, [mocking] “We have to have choice for this and it's not all bad. There have to be exceptions and you can't have this dogma. This is not 1940 again.” Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. […] todayAugust 9, 2015 11
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757