Mitt Romney

71 Results / Page 3 of 8


Pile Of Prep

Interventions Verdit: 67% of Americans Want “Defense” Spending Cut

Steve Sabol, filmmaking pioneer for NFL Films has passed away. Sabol's family CREATED the sports film industry and never let their work get hardened or cheapened by the Rock soundtrack. RIP Mr Sabol DISTRACTIONS ala Saul Alinsky "Freeze the target" as in get the entire planet talking about a stupid video clip of a common sense statement when the country is $16 TRILLION in debt Signs of intelligent life found! […]

todaySeptember 19, 2012 7



Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - We have two callers today inquiring about Religion, God, The Pledge of Allegience, and the First Amendment. These two are so dumb... "How dumb are they?" That we had to split them up into two posts because one post just couldn't handle it. And let's not forget that they're calling in about Mitt Romney's "I can pledge better than Obama" statement, so […]

todaySeptember 11, 2012 13

Daily Clip


Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - We have two callers today inquiring about Religion, God, The Pledge of Allegience, and the First Amendment. These two are so dumb... "How dumb are they?" That we had to split them up into two posts because one post just couldn't handle it. And let's not forget that they're calling in about Mitt Romney's "I can pledge better than Obama" statement, so […]

todaySeptember 11, 2012 11

Founders Television

California Domainin’

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Operation Insolvency is going good so far… California is so broke that they are now using eminent domain to seize properties they can sell to benefit cash strapped home owners. Gov Brown hasn't cut a nickel of spending and the only way he's keeping CA afloat is by borrowing $18 Mil a day from the Federal Gov. If you're in CA and […]

todaySeptember 11, 2012 42

John Taylor-friend to James Madison


No Need For Flat Taxes or Excise Taxes, John Taylor Preferred Duties and Imposts

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The preferable way to raise revenues, and this makes sure that it is totally equally apportioned among all the people of the several states, is to tax only, to do duties and imposts, tariffs as they’re known. As long as they are uniform and as long as they are across the board -- and it’s not a protective tax either. It’s cost of doing […]

todaySeptember 10, 2012 13

Founders Television

How Do You Fix The Federal Monster? Deconstruction. And The Proof Is In The Jobs Report.

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - On today's [r]epublican radio podcast Mike goes over the jobs numbers in the "Where the Jobs AREN'T" segment, and the numbers are very telling... The Federal Monster has to be stopped, it has to be stopped by Deconstruction. And by this we mean it has to stop spending, it has to borrowing, it has to stop taxing, and it has to stop […]

todaySeptember 10, 2012 8


Bill Clinton and Trickle-Up Economics

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Trickle-down economics did not run the debt up, government spending did. Trickle-down economics after Clinton left office did not run the debt up, government spending did. You see, both of The Industry parties, Republicans and Democrats, must put this façade up that one cares more than the other about spending, about how economics are waged and who gets what. Wouldn’t it just be such […]

todaySeptember 7, 2012 14

Daily Clip

Mitt As Our Chief Businessman

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Were I still a 2006 version of me, a neocon, warmongering, bombing anyone into the stone ages that dares to get in our way even if they don’t get in our way, a believer in right-wing central economic planning and enterprise zones, were I still of the decepticon, fraud conservative mindset, I would be overjoyed, ebullient, crying tears of joy this morning. […]

todayAugust 31, 2012 10

Pile Of Prep

RNC Tampa- These Are NOT the [r]epublican Patriots I came Looking For…

REVOLT! The GOP/RNC plan to hold a vote tomorrow that will basically do to the state GOP delegations what the Federal Congress did to the states with the 17th Amendment: strip them of their roles in the process as insular political entities. Tea Party groups promise a fight-we have it all Tuesday morning on Sirius/XM Patriot UPDATE I- TX LEADS THE OPPOSITION Food stamp use or what is today called […]

todayAugust 28, 2012 15
