
97 Results / Page 11 of 11


Daily Clip

Recovering Hawkaholics Can Still Fulfill Their Moral Obligation To Help

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I guess the point of the exercise is that we have all manner of extravagance and we live a very posh, gilded lifestyle here, while those people that you’re talking about are suffering in the third world. If you think that is something that needs to stop and that is your calling, it’s not your government’s job to do that. It’s your job to […]

todayMarch 19, 2013 7


American Hubris Won’t Prevent Another Katyn Massacre Or Great Purge

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, this is dangerous stuff here. Some people think this is a game. “We’re Americans. We would never do that.” Really? You know one of the reasons why the rest of the world fears us? It’s because we used a nuclear weapon on Japanese people not once but twice. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayMarch 8, 2013 5


Stop Bending The Roman Catholic Church To Fit An Immoral Society

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – When it comes to the actual Catholic faith, the Roman Catholic faith, there are some of us that believe it ought to actually be Roman Catholic. If I wanted to go to a Protestant church, I’d go to one. I don’t. Of course, as I said, this is to be expected from these people. If CNN and NBC and the rest of the media […]

todayMarch 1, 2013 10

Daily Clip

Abortion Justified With Reason Is Still Murder

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - All of our existence now is all to be determined by us, by man. We are in control of everything according to Ms. Williams. You then have no reason to not do almost anything or to do something in your life other than whether or not you choose to. This is why the idea that reason informs civilization, that this is one of the […]

todayJanuary 28, 2013 8


The Purging Of Tradition And Moral Order

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Folks, that’s a reflection of all the things we talk about. Isn’t it just another of the latest examples of our purge of tradition and our purge of true moral order and code? We don’t have a code. You make it up as you go along. If it’s inconvenient or it might cost you a couple of shekels, you just bail. You just abandon […]

todayJanuary 28, 2013 9

Pile Of Prep

Milquetoast Mitt Emerges On Top The Leaderboard but is it too late!?

Milquetoast Mitt offers the "moderate" voting public a choice and the conservative voting public a lot of hot air, either way, he will extend most of the tyranny of Obama should he win Gottfried: What is this "conservatism" of which you speak and why does it differ from "liberalism" of which you claim to hate? I wonder if the polls that many claimed "were rigged" which are now moving Romney's […]

todayOctober 8, 2012 4

Daily Clip

Morality Falls From the Sky!? Mike Calls BS on Atheists

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - Kyle thinks that morals are innate within all of us, that they just fall from the sky and that religion is the great divide and we'll all live in peace and harmony when the young Atheists grow up and shed all of the old ways. Mike calls bullsh*t on Kyle and all the atheists out there, the argument for and against their […]

todayApril 11, 2012 11
