
495 Results / Page 42 of 55


Founders Television

Romney Oughta Be Romney

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Today on Founders TV we discuss why Romney oughta just be Romney, instead of surrounding himself with dumb people giving him bad advice. We also go over the polling numbers in Florida and other states where the Romney campaign seems to be floundering (maybe from the bad advice?). And everyone that thinks that Obama is an underdog in his own re-election campaign […]

todaySeptember 27, 2012 11

Pile Of Prep

Gingrich to Romney: In Debate I “Go After Their Media”

Gingrich to Romney: I will tell you how to cream Obama in the debates, go after "Their Media" TIC: Fresh off the 1958 Presses, Robert Nisbet's "Quest for Community" brought some gravitas to young conservatives then and to his death, Nisbet maintained, it could the same today READ THIS Global Warmists have been cooking the books to try and prove your SUV's link to a naturally warming & cooling planet […]

todaySeptember 27, 2012 4

Pile Of Prep

Ohio: Turns from the “Buckeye State” to “The Parasite State”

Obama The Genius: The GM bailout was a political calculation that is paying HUGE dividends in OH as 64% of Ohio parasites believe "it was an overall good thing for the state"; of course the other 48 states that subsidized it with their children's futures may not agree (this is why corporatism lasts until it becomes tyrannical) Scott Galupo: Describing Michelle Malkin as a "loyal foot soldier" to Romney and […]

todaySeptember 26, 2012

Daily Clip

Andre Loves Bombing Brown People and Mark Demands Mike Toe the GOP Line

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Going to let Mark speak for himself on this one, to hear more from him and Andre, check out today's audio and transcript: "Mike, I listen to your show every morning. I have lots of options on Sirius. You were talking about MSNBC earlier. Somehow agreeing on Chris Matthews on any topic, I don’t expect that from your show, Mike. I’m really […]

todaySeptember 25, 2012 11

Founders Television

THIS Is What You Should Do If Obama Wins a Second Term

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Today on the first ever edition of "Founders TV", we go over how to mark a Constitution so even your Congressman will understand. We go over the powers of the executive branch, secession, and Impeachment. Mike also reads an article by Russell Kirk about how Civilization cannot exist without religion, we go over Obama and Romney's numbers in Ohio and Florida, and […]

todaySeptember 25, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

The Great, Aristocratic, Gentlemanly, Southern Tradition Goes Bye Bye With Boo Boo

Honey Boo Boo make the biggest boo boo of all: normalizing white trash and continuing the assault of the Southern Tradition Machiavelli Lives: Obama jokingly castigates himself for not paying enough in taxes so he can viciously castigate Romney According to the amount of FedEx Shipments, the recession began this summer New Orleans, the City That Knowledge Forgot: N.O. tour guides claim the first Amendment protects their right to botch […]

todaySeptember 24, 2012 9

Daily Clip

Romney Campaign Shows Business Isn’t Politics

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Let me just point out the greatest irony of all ironies here... The Romney résumé is that he is the manager dude. He is the CEO. He’s the turnaround man. He runs those companies, turns the losers into winners, does all these things, right? What is the campaign? The campaign is a company. It’s an endeavor. How many millions have been raised? […]

todaySeptember 21, 2012 6


Ron Paul Supporters Are Told to Shut up & Vote For Romney Because “Nothing less than the Constitution is at stake here.”

"But if you are truly dedicated to the Constitution you won’t let it be trampled in order to make some soon-to-be-moot point to the anonymous GOP party hacks responsible for not giving Ron Paul a primo speaking slot. Priorities, people. Nothing less than the Constitution is at stake here." - Kurt Schlichter, Breitbart's Big Government This piece, written by Kurt Schlichter of Breitbart's Big Government is more 40 years ago […]

todaySeptember 21, 2012 9

Pile Of Prep

Can Congress Stop the DC Metro From Promoting Israeli Issues on Subways?

DeceptiCONS use Israeli PM Netenyahu in ad to paint Obama as "weak" on Iran as war fever refuses to abate in spite of public distaste for it Michael Kinsley returns: It is time for a 3rd party (wow, the LIBS have thrown in the towel on Obama!?) CAT FIGHT!!: Peggy Noonan chides Mitt for being CEO of the Romney Campaign AND the candidate - Ilana Mercer Chides Noonan for what […]

todaySeptember 21, 2012 6
