
219 Results / Page 17 of 25



Increase In Community Can Lead To A Decrease In Government

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Angelo Codevilla had written about how the elites, whether they’re Democrats or Republicans, pretty much all go to the same schools, live in or near the same cities, attend the same parties, go to the same functions. Most of these functions and events we’re describing here and talking about are not attended by people like us, people that might go to a Tea Party […]

todayMay 13, 2013 23


Dr. Eric Helps Us Unravel The Web That Is Medicare And Medicaid

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Caller Eric: A hospital may charge, say $140,000 and get paid $12,000, because Medicaid and Medicare set a fee schedule and say: Hospital, here’s your $12,000 for a total knee. You figure out how to make money. The rest of that charge is not allowed to be passed onto the patient by law. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayMay 9, 2013 15

Founders Television

Think You Can Get Out Of Paying Taxes By Renouncing Your U.S. Citizenship? Guess Again.

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - People are renouncing their United States Citizenship in droves... and why you might ask? To get away from Obamacare, to get away from the Federal Tyranny, and of course to get away from paying Federal Income Taxes. However if you still want to do business in the United States, as most of the people who are renouncing their citizenship will want to […]

todayMay 9, 2013 6

Pile Of Prep

Our Number One Import: Immigration

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Libertarian news stories claiming a Libertarian surge is here plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Panichas feels compelled to register his objections to the “enemies of the Permanent Things,” but this vigilance is driven by a positive philosophy of faith and hope. As Panichas notes in “Testimonies of Gratitude,” […]

todayMay 6, 2013 8


Marketplace Intervention By The State Causes Healthcare Inflation

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Who is to say, without government mandate that a health insurance company must cover this, cover mental health, cover reproductive services, hangnails, whatever else they say you must cover, who is to say that any of the things that prolong life or are beneficial to the human condition and to our health are based on the price mechanism? The only way you would develop […]

todayApril 17, 2013 8


The Constitution: Game Over Man, Game Over

MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Republican House Minority Leader, John Boehner of Ohio's 8th Congressional District held a press conference in a Virginia lumberyard today along with other GOP window dressing to unveil their cost cutting measures should they regain majority in at least one house of Congress following the mid-term elections. The Pledge to America outlines how with Republicans in charge by golly, the federal government will get down to the […]

todayApril 13, 2013 4


Mark Kreslins Updates Us On Oklahomas Nullification Of Obamacare

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let’s go to the Dude Maker Hotline. Let me get an update on what it is that’s going on in the great State of Oklahoma. My friend Mark Kreslins is on the line. Mark, you actually are a newcomer to Oklahoma, yet in the first year, you rabble-rouser, you’ve already got people to draw sides and a line in the sand over Obamacare. Check […]

todayApril 8, 2013 18

Daily Clip

Monopoly Is Not Much Fun When You’re A Property On The Board

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – How does all this play out? Ladies and gentlemen, it plays out horrifically because it cannot continue. The only reason it continues now is because people fear the government. They fear what’s going to happen to them if they don’t pay their taxes. They fear what’s going to happen to them if they don’t march in lockstep as they’re being told to march in […]

todayApril 2, 2013 20

Founders Television

“Iraq War to Blame for Obamacare” Writes Jonah Goldberg!?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - There's a column by Jonah Goldberg at realclearpolitics.com called "Can Republicans Reverse the Damage Done by Iraq?" For JONAH GOLDBERG, a decepticon, big war, big government, bomb 'em back to the stone age kind of guy, is BIG. We've been saying, along with people like Ron Paul, that the Iraq War was a mistake for five years. How many people do we […]

todayApril 1, 2013 6
