insert_link Transcripts Boston Security Failed, So The Proven Experts Will Step In…The State Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – How much more involved could these people possibly get and to what end? You mean to tell me you really believe had they -- would it be the Boston Marathon if they locked it down and they only let people in who would scan their forearms? Why is it every time something happens, these people spring into action as if they have fixed anything […] todayDecember 27, 2013 9
insert_link Transcripts Anthony Gregory On Why Libs Despise Libertarians Anthony Gregory has a piece that was posted in June of 2011 that is making the rounds again. The title is “Why the Left Fears Libertarianism. todayDecember 3, 2013 21
insert_link Daily Clip Community Is The Most Effective Tool For Fighting Terrorism Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – As a matter of fact, I have a very provocative piece of email that came my way yesterday. Do you remember yesterday we had a very robust discussion about whether or not the federales ought to continue in their vaunted position as seeking out terrorists or pursuing terror masterminds of first resort? I was making the case yesterday that it was the citizens of […] todayApril 30, 2013 12
insert_link Daily Clip Central Economic Planning Dictates We Make Tanks And More Tanks Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What do we need tanks for? I know what we need them for, but what do we need more for? So it’s a jobs program. The military thus, and the reason why the defense budget is defended so vociferously by Republicans is not for national defense; it is for corporate defense. It is to make sure that the leviathan continues to shower favored corporations […] todayApril 29, 2013 21
insert_link Transcripts Did Rand Paul Misspeak Or Did He Misstep? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – It is okay to misspeak. It happens all the time. Take it from someone who does 15 hours of live broadcasting in a given week. I think, though, that your actions ultimately will speak much louder than your words. As long as you act in a manner that is congruent or consistent with an anti-drone, anti-big government, anti-police surveillance state is a good thing […] todayApril 26, 2013 1
insert_link Transcripts Due Process And Civil Liberties Are Most Important During Emergencies Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We do have laws around here. In emergencies, this is when you most want the protections of civil liberties and when you most want due process. We’re told we don’t want vigilantes running around seeking justice, right? Why should government be able to act like a vigilante? That was the only point that I was trying to make. I did not second guess Mayor […] todayApril 22, 2013 10
insert_link Transcripts Why Aren’t More People Questioning Authority? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is an impressive rollout of State security force here. Again, I don’t know under what authority the governor is acting. I don’t know if he’s acting under any authority whatsoever. Is there an executive order? AG, have you seen any posts of an executive order from the governor or is he just going to television microphones and barking out orders over CBS? Check […] todayApril 19, 2013 12
insert_link Daily Clip American Exceptionalism Is Not A Compliment Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is a very dangerous thing that we have done. We are flirting with disaster. We are flirting with human misery. We are not the exception to the rule of human nature, sir. We are humans. We are fallible. Human nature does not change over continents. In our arrogance and saying things like you just said, we make ourselves “We’re the exception. We would […] todayMarch 20, 2013 6
insert_link Transcripts Left-Right Paradigm – How Different Are The Two Sides? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Whose idea basically was Obamacare? The Heritage Foundation, it’s their idea. This is the conservative response to Hillary’s 1993 effort in Hillarycare. How many of you are old enough to remember Hillarycare? If you are old enough to remember Hillarycare, then you will remember that what was proposed was a centralized -- it was nowhere near as complex as Obamacare ultimately became -- version […] todayMarch 19, 2013 3
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757