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Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Daily Clip

Sorry Libs, but The Constitution IS A Compact

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I told you that we didn’t need James Madison to complete the circle.  We can have Madison, that’s fine, but you don’t need him to complete the circle.  Whether Madison sanctioned it or not doesn’t matter.  It’s irrelevant.  It helps when you’re trying to convince people of certain things, that you can have famous people to rely upon and quote, but it’s not necessary.  All […]

todayAugust 7, 2014 4

Daily Clip

Jimmy Madison Hid 1794 Secession Pamphlet To Preserve Union

There are four men that are mentioned in this that were in the Philadelphia Convention that framed the Constitution. All four of them realized the gravity of what it is they're discussing in 1794 in Congress. Three of them decide that the solution is disunion. The fourth says I don't think you should do that, but he doesn't say that they can't do it. Do I have your attention and […]

todayAugust 4, 2014 7


Founders Admitted Failure To Defend Spirit Of ’76 After Ratification Of Constitution

Did The Founders Get It 100% Perfect? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let me share something with you on the 237th anniversary of the bullet points of the Constitution being introduced in Federal Convention in 1787.  This is from Christopher Ferrara’s phenomenal book Liberty, the God That Failed, page 242, “The Founders’ Season of Regret – Things Fall Apart.”"  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show […]

todayJune 2, 2014 13

This Day in Founder's History

This Day In Founding Fathers History – 23 May

This Day In Founding Fathers History – 23 May In 1788 on this day, South Carolina ratified the U.S. Constitution, becoming the eighth state to join the Union. 1 In 1774, in defiance of British Parliament’s closing of the port of Boston, the citizens of Chestertown, Maryland convened a meeting and constructed a resolution which forbade importing, selling, or consuming tea in Chestertown. Legend has it that the citizens gathered […]

todayMay 23, 2014 6


What Was A Militia And What Was Their Code Of Honor?

Militia Members Were Not Knuckle-dragging Neanderthals Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "All one would need to do is to grab a history book from your state.  If you live in one of the original 13 colonies, grab a history book and find out what troops or what organizations of troops were sent to join the Continental Army.  This is why I just played the clip from Times That Try Men’s […]

todayMay 21, 2014 9

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Daily Clip

Why Do You Wanna Be Ruled By The Central Government Monster!?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You see, Eric, it doesn’t matter how many times we explain this, how many times we go over this, it goes right over the heads of people.  What is frustrating to me and just drives me nuts is why the average citizen, when he is told that he is free to live inside his sovereign state and govern himself says, [mocking] 'No, I want […]

todayApril 8, 2014 7
