insert_link Daily Clip The People Grant Power, And The People Can Take Power Away Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – All authority is derived from the people. The only way Nanny Bloomberg can do the things he’s doing is if the people have entrusted him with a measure of their own sovereignty. This is a very good chance to teach the children out there a thing or two about republicanism and how things are supposed to work. Check out today’s audio and transcript for […] todayMarch 12, 2013 12
insert_link Daily Clip Now Hiring: NYC Soda Police Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Are they going to have soda police in New York? What is the penalty for violating this act of soda tyranny? They ought to have the New York Soda Party. They ought to find out where Bloomberg is going to be sailing his Bloomberg yacht out on the Hudson and dump 10,000 gallons of soda into the harbor, call it the New York Soda […] todayMarch 11, 2013 12
insert_link Daily Clip Americans Are Trained To Always Go, Never Stop Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We’re not a free people anymore. When we’re told to stop, we stop. Think about this. No, I’m not trying to get into the philosophical weeds. Who told you that you have to stop at a red light and that you must go on green? You may think that’s ridiculous. Think about it. Who told you that? We’ve normalized the stop and go. We’ve […] todayMarch 5, 2013 9
insert_link Transcripts Laurence Vance On Legalizing Hemp And Just War Theory Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Here we are in the most advanced society ever in the history of the world, we’re told, but we have a national legislature that feels compelled to tell us we’re not adults and making ropes and smocks and other things is a gateway fabric, I guess. Can you explain a little about what’s going on with the gateway fabric that is hemp and some […] todayMarch 4, 2013 27
insert_link Transcripts The Commerce Clause And Sovereign Indian Nations Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Article I, Section 8, granting Congress to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states and with the Indian tribes, why wouldn’t Congress just assert the exact same power and authority that they exert over the states if the Indian tribes decided to put new refineries up because they were on their reservations? Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayFebruary 26, 2013 7
insert_link Transcripts National Government Is The Acme Company, One-Stop Shop For All Your Regulation Needs Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – That’s another one that I just ask the question: Why do you have to have government-funded, regardless of what government it is, food safety inspectors? Is that not something that can be done by private companies? Cannot private companies be responsible for the safety of their own food? Why is the government responsible for it? Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayFebruary 25, 2013 9
insert_link Transcripts Inflation: Gasoline, Groceries And Big Government Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The problem is that our wages have not increased. We talk about this every now and then, how inflation has driven the price of everything up. Coffee is more expensive. Bread is more expensive. Eggs and milk are more expensive. Everything costs more and your wages are not going up. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayFebruary 25, 2013 5
insert_link Transcripts San Francisco’s Plastic Bag Ban Is Killing People Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Why then, even in [r]epublican spheres, do we allow government to determine what is in our best marketplace interest? The illusion is that the health code saves lives. Does it? Does the health code kill people? Does the health code actually make people sick? I’ll tell you what’s a great health code, and of course you don’t want to be the person who went […] todayFebruary 19, 2013 8
insert_link Transcripts Gun Control To Save The Children But Abortion Is Just Fine Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - We don’t seem to mind exterminating 1.5 million of them every year in abortion clinics, but heaven forfend madmen roaming amongst us, who will still be roaming amongst us no matter how many gun bans you put in place, should take one out. Let’s focus in on the children. Yes, let’s do all this for the children. What about the 50 million children that […] todayJanuary 31, 2013 5
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757