
81 Results / Page 9 of 9


Daily Clip

If America Is So Downbeat, Let’s Restore and Preserve

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - If you believe that America’s best days are behind them and that your children are going to suffer debt slavery, that they’re going to have to pay back what we’re spending today, maybe you should consider an alternative course. Check out today's transcript for the rest...

todayJanuary 24, 2013 5

Daily Clip

Representative James White Of Texas Is Actually Doing Something

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Isn’t Representative White of Texas admitting that the state legislatures are in on the debt, and the state legislatures actively participate in running it up? They’re the ones that are spending the money. If you’re making contingency plans for what’s going to happen in the absence of borrowed federal money or manufactured money out of thin air, you then are admitting that you’re accepting […]

todayJanuary 22, 2013 7


What the New Deficit Numbers Mean: The Spending Has Increased

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Those of you that are CPAs or bookkeepers or accountants out there, how many of you would it take to keep up and to track that kind of spending? Just think about the manpower and the labor it would take to just track that, hell, just to record it. You’d have to have a machine working 24/7 just to print the checks, and they […]

todayNovember 15, 2012 4


Conservatives Should Cut Taxes AND Use the Lost Revenue to Justify Spending Reductions

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - This is very simple. I want to cut taxes across the board 20 percent for the American people. I realize this is going to cost revenue. Subsequently, I also demand that Congress cuts spending across the board 20 percent to offset this. We have too much government, not enough private sector. Why is this so difficult? But, apparently, as I learn on a daily […]

todayOctober 12, 2012 3

Daily Clip

Infrastucture Spending Is Just As Bad As Energy Subsidy Spending

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - There’s another thing here that many people do not consider, and that is that when government directs public moneys and decides they’re going to use eminent domain or whatever method they’re going to use to acquire property so that they can build roads, you don’t think that there is a political consideration there for where that road goes? Oh, please! Of course […]

todaySeptember 12, 2012 8

Founders Television

The Tan Man Makes Yet Another Deal to Lock in Deficit Spending

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - On today's [r]epublican radio podcast we discuss John Boehner making a deal with Harry Reid to lock in deficit spending and ballooning national debt… because we could be campaigning while there's another government shutdown going on now could we?  Also on the show we talk more about Chick-fil-a and many more stories.  Join us for the news digest, the monologues, and […]

todayAugust 1, 2012 5

Pile Of Prep

My Decline’s Better Than Yours Is, My Hell’s Better Than Yours

Rod Dreher writes what many of you are talking about these days even if you do not admit: what caused the current decline and is there any hope to reverse it? (there is, I call it [r]epublicanism) Frank Rich's original "Declinist" screed is here It's the Spending Stupid: WaTimes Editorial nails it with the "Potomac Fever" description of "the spending bug" (I believe the disease is incurable and fatal to the […]

todayJuly 25, 2012 6

Daily Clip

How the DoD Blows One Trillion Per Year – An Unfortunately True Story

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - How do you get to a trillion dollars in defense spending?  Pull up a chair and I’ll tell you.  The Pentagon’s base budget is $530 billion.  To put it another way, a billion is a thousand million.  That’s $530,000 million, just to try to give it a little perspective.  So $530 billion is what the DOD allegedly spends, but that’s just the […]

todayMay 23, 2012 4

Daily Clip

People Are About to be Hosed by the GOP Again

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - This is what ought to bother you listeners out there, and it ought to bother your buddies and your friends on Facebook, and your buddies and your friends on Twitter, and your buddies and your friends and your relatives in the Tea Parties.  This should bother you.  There is no recent history.  You don’t have a shred of recent history to point to that […]

todayApril 20, 2012 7
