insert_link Transcripts Is Killing Innocent Civilians An Acceptable Part Of Obama’s Atrocity In Syria? How Many Civilians Are Considered "Acceptable" In The Eyes Of Americans? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In the body count on day two of the illegitimate and illegal actions of the U.S. military in Syria, violating every precept and concept of just war theory, and the UN Charter, and the U.S. Constitution to boot, there are reports that there are a dozen dead civilians. A town in Syria was decimated. […] todaySeptember 29, 2014 12
insert_link Transcripts US Bombs Make The World A WORSE Place To Live, So Stop It! Is the world safer with the United States "world police"? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Because of your hubris and your lack of humility, you won’t admit we’ve made the world a worse place to inhabit. We haven’t made it a better place. It doesn’t matter what our intentions are, my friends. Our intentions are irrelevant. We have exported a form of secular democracy that is destructive." Check out today’s […] todaySeptember 29, 2014 6
insert_link Transcripts How To Be Christian And Engage In War – WARNING: DeceptiCON Health Hazard Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So questions and peaceful, humble answers, that’s not going to satisfy the talk radio mafia drunk on war, war, war, kill, kill, kill crowd. I thought that we could flesh this story out just a bit with a short video clip from The History Channel about the persecution and then the martyrdom of the Theban Army under the command of a man now known as […] todaySeptember 24, 2014 14
insert_link Transcripts War Hawks To Middle East Christians, Go Pound Sand The Genocide of Christians Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In the first hour of the program, I talked a little bit about the plight of Christians in the Middle East, which, all of you war hawks out there seem unfazed by. That’s not all of you, of course. Those of you that are fazed by it and are concerned over it, you’re not alone. I think sometimes instead of just […] todaySeptember 22, 2014 5
insert_link Transcripts Keeping America Safe Since Iraq 1991 Hasn’t Produced Happiness Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "What is this suicide pact that so many people seem so dedicated to, for what purpose? You know what? Maybe we’re the land of opportunity for our children for a change. Maybe it’s time to face the music. You can’t be a pluralistic society for the entire planet. If you are, then you won’t have a society anymore. This is the folly of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism […] todaySeptember 18, 2014 8
insert_link Latest DeceptiCONS Have No Memory of Their Last Excuse For War Mandeville, LA - Let me see if I understand this, DeceptiCONS and war-hawks:Sept. 2013: "Brutal dictator" Bashar al Assad is accused and convicted by American "conservatives" of gassing his own civilian population with Sarin gas so he can remain a brutal dictator. Sept. 2014: "Statesman Bashar al Assad is now begging the "international community" for help in combatting "ISIS", forgetting he is a brutal dictator that has enough Sarin gas and […] todaySeptember 13, 2014 4
insert_link Transcripts Caller Wants ISIS to Follow Our Constitution, Mike Wants U.S. To Go 1st Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Caller Sal: Mike, I have to take a second just to thank you for pushing our Constitution on the radio like you do. My question is, and I don’t want to sound childish, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if the whole world followed our Constitution? My thing is -- Mike: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the United States followed our Constitution? You can’t expect the rest of […] todayAugust 29, 2014 20
Interviews Gutzman, Church – The Constitutional Response to the Murder Of James Foley Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s bring Professor Gutzman in here. How did President Jefferson respond to those actions of what we know today as the Barbary pirates? Kevin: This was not really a matter of any dispute among the people who made the federal governments. It’s not surprising that Jefferson and his friends in Congress, along with their opponents in Congress, thought this way, and that Jefferson’s actions against […] todayAugust 26, 2014 8
insert_link Transcripts The Result of Worshiping Lincoln Police State Is No Surprise For A Country That Worships An Atheist Tyrant Lincoln Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Since we don’t have any problem using these weapons and using this methodology on people in Yemen on their way to weddings and what have you, why should we have any problem with it here when we have similar citizens that aren’t doing what we think they ought to be doing?" […] todayAugust 26, 2014 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757