Month: September 2012

102 Results / Page 7 of 12


Pile Of Prep

Constitution Day: A Convention To Begin on The Second Monday of May Next

Whatever happened to the vaunted, high brow, British culture? It was savagely corrupted and tolerates tragedies today it could not imagine 2 generations ago "Girls in outer space with lasers will prevail" - the legacy in letters of Gore Vidal to Bill Kaufmann Pat Buchanan: Time to come home from the Middle & Near East The filmmaker of the latest "we hate the prophet & his religion" movie is questioned […]

todaySeptember 17, 2012 5

Book Mike To Speak

LPAC 2012 Speech “The Founders Blurry Vision”

Chantilly VA - The following text is the rough outline Mike Church used to deliver prepared remarks to the LPAC 2012 conference, 14 September, 2012 at the Westfields Marriott Center, Chantilly, VA. Founders DID NOT envision: Medicare, Medicaid, The Ag Department, the Helium Dept, The CBO, The OMB, SSA, SSB and Bureau of BS almost anything that has 3 or 4 Alphabet soup characters in it. Founders DID NOT envision […]

todaySeptember 15, 2012 20


Debbie Schlussel Reviews “What Lincoln Killed”

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Here's a quote from Debbie's review, read the rest in today's transcript: "It was interesting. To me, that’s the point of something like this, to make people think, and also to educate them. I always learn a lot when I listen to and/or watch your historical projects. You really are a scholar of these things. They don’t teach this stuff. Sure, I learned about […]

todaySeptember 14, 2012 12


What Exactly IS QE3 and What Does it Mean For You?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Let me update you on this QE3... With all the discussion that we’re having about Libya today and with foreign policy and whether Mitt jumped the gun or whether he did not, the real tragedy and travesty, or I shouldn’t say the real, the other tragedy and travesty is that when you go to work today, unless your boss comes in and tells you, […]

todaySeptember 14, 2012 2

Daily Clip

You CAN Vote for Someone Other Than Romney or Obama, Robert

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Like many people out there, Robert believes that there are only two candidates for President, but there's not. There's also Gary Johnson and Virgil Goode. So no, you don't have to vote for the BIG R or the BIG D, you can vote for another party... but you should always vote your conscience. Check out the rest in today's audio and transcript....

todaySeptember 14, 2012 9

Church Doctrine

When Bailout Money Leads To The Biggest Bailout Of All Time

When in Rome do as the Roman’s do or as we might say in 2012 Louisiana do as the Madoffs do. Last week I reported that Governor Bobby Jindal has boasted of conning the all too willing Federal Leviathan into “covering” 85% of the State’s Hurricane Isaac costs. Well not to be outdone in the mad rush for Pyhrric money, now I can wonder how the citizens of dry as […]

todaySeptember 14, 2012 11

Pile Of Prep

QE3: Remember The Good Ol’ Days When A Dollar Bought 6% of What It Used To?

Romney's Unforced Libya Error: Blame it on "Liberal Media Bias" and non conforming [r]epublicans, ANYONE but Mitt Romney Q: Does Anyone including Mitt Romney even know what his foreign policy is or will be? Larison: Why do "Conservatives" have such think skin when it come sto their "Candidate"? No one ever said that Romney SHOULDN'T criticize Obama's FP, we questioned his facts and the content Good Advice for the US […]

todaySeptember 14, 2012 3


Here’s Proof That Mike Has Thrown Obama Under the Bus For the Tragedy in Libya

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Apparently some listeners (and Twitter followers) haven't gotten the point that Mike HAS INDEED thrown Obama under the bus for the tragedy in Libya. Some of these guys just don't get it and are out there jonesing for Mike's blood. Well, here's a transcript from today's show where Obama gets the full blame for aiding and abetting the al-Qaeda-infused rebels in Libya, which is […]

todaySeptember 13, 2012 7

Founders Television

Real Solutions vs. Sophomoric Solutions

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Mark Kreslins filled in for Mike today who's on his way to LPAC in Mordor. He'll be back next week. In this show, Mark had special guest on, Senator Curtis Olafson on to discuss a real solution; an Article V Amendment Convention. There's no need to be afraid of this VERY constitutional solution. Mark also discussed his initial reaction to the murder […]

todaySeptember 13, 2012 15
