Month: January 2015

72 Results / Page 6 of 8


Founders Corner

John Quincy Adams Speech of “Monsters to Destroy” 4 July, 1821

Mandeville, LA - On the 45th Anniversary of the passage of the Declaration of Independence, Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, delivered the following remarks to the members of the 22nd Congress in attendance. The reader wil N.B. that Adams acknowledges the Declaration of Independence while restating that it was American Custom to "(sic)...respected the independence of other nations while asserting and maintaining her own." There is no trace of […]

todayJanuary 15, 2015 20

Pile Of Prep

Pile of Prep-War Hawks Take Over Congress

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to 2015 Edition. Patrick J Buchanan points out that the war-hawk caucus has commandeered every relevant committee and the war-drums are beating already?  Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "The truth is we've let Government take away many things we […]

todayJanuary 14, 2015 32


Education Per Aquinas

A Mystery That Will Never Be Solved Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This is one of the things about the classic rite of education.  It doesn’t have a goal, a specific economic goal or a productive goal as its result.  It has as its objective the cultivation of the human intellect, to teach man how to think not what to think.  This is so important.  This is like the nomocratic […]

todayJanuary 14, 2015 5


What is the Cost of American Comfort?

Absolute Comfort Corrupts Absolutely Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The magnanimous is the opposite then of the suffering.  The point of the suffering is that it’s to remind you that you will die.  I will die.  What happens after that?  You’re just food for worms, brother.  That’s all it is.  What’s the difference between you as food for worms and you as not food for worms?"  Check out today’s transcript […]

todayJanuary 14, 2015 8

Pile Of Prep

Hump Day Pile of Prep-The Western World HAS No “Values To Defend”

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to 2015 Edition. Watching western media try and rally genuine support for their "values" when in fact they have no values to defend is a sign of our hubris?  Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "The modern world is not […]

todayJanuary 14, 2015 21

Daily Clip

Using Alien Friend Powers To Lock Muslims Out of The States

Mandeville, LA  - Mike Church explains what would happen if the State of GA decided to deny entry to international flyers using Hartsfield Airport. Using the example of the University of GA's Lacrosse team, inviting the Scottish LaCrosse team over for a tournament Mike explains: "Did UGA ask John Kerry for permission?, what if we run the experiment in reverse, do UGA players and coaches have to obtain Kerry or […]

todayJanuary 13, 2015 24


Attempting to Teach Spaghetti-Spined Republicans

What the Heroic St. Thomas More Can Teach Our Youth Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Where are those men at today?  We’re surrounded by a bunch of metrosexuals.  We’re surrounded by, as I said in the last hour, a bunch of men that do not have the courage of the conviction of the oath they took to uphold constitutions of their own states.  Think of it like this.  The usury, […]

todayJanuary 13, 2015 7


Bieszad – How Catholic Europe Struggled For 1,000 Years Against Islam

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Islam is a conquering religion.  Its purpose is to conquer and convert, if not by word then by sword.  People think Islam just wants to conquer by the sword and take over everything.  That’s actually not true.  Islam first tries to convert people by intermixing, interbreeding into the population, and by inspiring people to convert by saying Islam is so good, Islam is so great.  […]

todayJanuary 13, 2015 8
