
6014 Results / Page 647 of 669



EXCLUSIVE Interview: Dr. Tom Woods Responds to Mark Levin on War Powers

STUDIO-D - Dr. Tom Woods responds to the ad hominem attacks levied againsthim over the controversy surrounding the Constitutional ability or lack thereoffor a President to wage "offensive" war without receiving a proper Declaration for suchfrom the Congress. The issue became a point of derision for radio host andformer Reagan cabinet adviser Mark Levin who pointed to previous instances ofthe Executive branch waging undeclared wars as justification and labeled Dr.Woods […]

todayMarch 29, 2011 14

Church Doctrine

Who Says There Are Only Two Sides Of The Aisle?

Who Says There Are Only Two Sides Of The Aisle?2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine These days our general dialogue is filled with cliches but theres one inparticular that really bothers me: both sides of the aisle. This clicheis purportedly used to describe the polar opposite political partiesthat occupy the mythological, left and right sides of the House ofRepresentin. It is also use to describe […]

todayMarch 24, 2011 5


Interview: Professor Livingston Dissects the State of the Union

Professor Livingston: This is not, nor was America ever a Republic   STUDIO D - Mike interviews Professor Donald Livingston from Emory University located just outside of Atlanta in Druid Hills, Georgia. Known as one of the premiere authorities on David Hume, he is also a highly praised Constitutional scholar, who brings his unique understanding of the Founding Generation's intent on the Union. His critiques on Lincoln as well as […]

todayMarch 24, 2011 7


Government Entitlements Acclimate Future Generations to Accept Lost Liberty

[mp3t track='24032011_transcript_1_Thomson_Mason.mp3']MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA With each legislative oppression weendure, the consequences reach much further than the headlines of the day. Forwhile apathy is in and of itself a most dreadful condition, the effects onfuture generations is the gravest result. For in our inaction, by silent proxy,we tell our children that such intervention by government in to our lives isthe new normal.We see this folly illustrated quite succinctly in our own lives,as […]

todayMarch 24, 2011 7

Church Doctrine

Austrian Consensus: The Economic Ice Age Cometh

Austrian Consensus: The Economic Ice Age Cometh2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineI can remember just a few years ago that the productive people of theUnited States faced a green menace which came in the form of a so called consensus view on global warming. This view held that evil,despicable men had generated quadrillions of unacceptable tons of Co2which was now clogging up the atmosphere and […]

todayMarch 23, 2011 4

Daily Clip

Barbara Elliot: Voluntary Charity, Not Government Welfare is What Makes a Difference in People

MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - Mike interviews Barbara J. Elliott the founder of the Center for Cultural Renewal, which works to renew the cities of America through acts of voluntary charity in place of government welfare systems. She is also the founder of the WorkFaithConnection, which has been serving people leaving homelessness, prison, drug addiction,and joblessness. Since its beginning in2007, they have transitioned more than 1,000 people into a […]

todayMarch 23, 2011 28

Daily Clip

Listeners Turn on DeceptiCON Chickenhawks like O’Reilley

Audio, Mandeville, LA - Tam in GA could not believe his ears when he heard Bill O'Reilley say he was willing to take on Ghadaffi... that HE [O'reilley] was willing to sit in his leather broadcast chair and watch yet another, undeclared war squander billions of borrowed dollars and cost an untold amount of American lives (both present and future).  

todayMarch 22, 2011 4


The Difference Between Chernobyl and Japan – There IS a Difference

[mp3t track='18032011_Transcript_1.mp3'](Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA - If you've been paying any attention at all to the news lately, thenmore than likely you are aware than Japan should be the nextspokesperson for either of the following mottos: "Bad things happen inthrees" or "When it rains, it pours" (or in this case snows).It istruly unfortunate and and very heartbreaking to continuously watch thestruggles of the Japanese nation in trying to deal […]

todayMarch 18, 2011 21


Dr. Kevin Gutzman On The Line Discussing Energy, States' Rights & The Constitution

[mp3t track='17032011_Transcript_2_pt.3.mp3'](Audio) Mandeville, LA - On the show with us this morning we had a very special guest whom youknow well, he's been with us a number of times before and we're sure tosee him again in the future. Folks, It is always a pleasure to have Dr.KevinGutzman on the DudeMaker HotLine, he may hold the record! The more wehear from Dr. Gutzman the more he tends to be less […]

todayMarch 17, 2011 8
