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Pile Of Prep

Hottest Year On Record Is a Bunch of Hot Air

"The Donald" to be awarded "The Prize" for "Statesman of the year" from Sarasota GOP - kind of like Nancy Pelosi being crowned Miss Austerity Here it comes again or "they're ba-aaaack" meaning the credit as wealth delusion is settling in on the sheople as cash is consumed by debt and inflation leaving no alternative to extend our "standards of living" Milbank: Obama needs fire & brimstone when he ladles out the class warfare Richard Kimball: Conservatives often have conversations about […]

todayJuly 10, 2012 10

Founders Television

Why U.S. Economic Policy is Paralyzed

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Check out today's Post Show where we discuss a Washington Post article about how the U.S. economic policy is paralyzed, Arizona's secession-lite plan, California dreaming of a high speed train (at YOUR expense), and Mike reads from "books you're not supposed to read" Rethinking The American Union edited by Donald Livingston. Grab a Founder's Pass and listen, AND WATCH, the entire show.  Enjoy!  

todayJuly 9, 2012 9

Pile Of Prep

The New Slavery: Why Should The Rest of us Pay For CA’s “High Speed Train” Fantasy?

Operation Insolvency reversed: CA Governor Brown secures $78 BILLION train system bill with the Feds (that means you and me) paying HALF, while CA is $18 BILLION in debt this year - Obama has pledged to fund MORE than half of the scam, $41 BILLION Brion McClanahan: ObamaCare Fallout was predictable, John Roberts meets John Roberts The beatification of John Roberts reaches new heights of ridiculousness Ernest Borgnine has passed away, one of Hollywood's great character actors, watch him here in […]

todayJuly 9, 2012 10


The DudeGear Store Is Still Open While The New Store Is Under Construction

BLAME IT ALL ON LINCOLN! Folks, thanks for all your emails concerning the missing items from the new store "The Founders Tradin' Post". We fully intended to have the new store stocked and ready when it was launched but a guy named Lincoln and What he Killed got the best of our time and resources! You can still order your favorite items from the DudeGear Store just like always by clicking here.

todayJuly 5, 2012 7


The Beatification of John Roberts Continues – Here’s My Dissent

I received this essay via e-mail this morning and have confirmed the author's identity. Below is his post and further below my response/dissent. Richard Bolen The Bolen Law Firm Lexington, South Carolina 02 July 2012 To all my friends, particularly those conservatives who are despondent over the searing betrayal by Chief Justice John Roberts and the pending demise of our beloved country, I offer this perspective to convey some profound hope and evidence of the Almighty’s hand in the […]

todayJuly 5, 2012 27

What Lincoln Killed

Mike Church’s [r]epublican [r]adio : Rebroadcast of “What Lincoln Killed”!

FEATURING: Mike Church's "What Lincoln Killed"! You can purchase a Collectors edition or Build your own What Lincoln Killed kit at the Founders Tradin' Post. If you are having trouble getting the stream to play here is the direct stream url: (click to open in default player). Catch up with [r]epublican [r]adio: Missed out on last weeks interviews on the Post Show Show?  No problem, listen to them right here. We've got Kevin Gutzman, Brion McClanahan, and David Simpson, […]

todayJuly 4, 2012 4

Founders Television

Mike Interviews Tom Woods and Jack Hunter, Together On Independence Day

Today's Post Show Show Podcast Preview is an Interview with Tom Woods! To see the full interview with Tom Woods and Jack Hunter subscribe to the Founders Pass! On the full show Mike discusses his almost released "What Lincoln Killed" Docudrama that will air tomorrow on the Mike Church Show on Sirius XM. You can also listen to the entire show as well as watch the show with a Founders Pass!

todayJuly 3, 2012 24


Interview with Dr. Kevin Gutzman on ObamaCare, Federal Courts, and Nullification

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The Constitution was barely ratified in Virginia, New York, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and North Carolina.  It was only ratified on the basis that Congress would have very few powers, “Here they are listed and in case you don’t trust us, we’ll promise to adopt an amendment in the first Congress reiterating this point,” which is, of course, the Tenth Amendment.  That was the main argument that the federalists made in the ratification discussions, […]

todayJuly 2, 2012 12
