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Daily Clip

How to Take an Active Role in the Restoration of Liberty

Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana Mike speaks to the success of last nights ReFounding Father Society meeting and implores all those who profess to love Liberty and hold firm the inherent right to limited self-government begin taking an active not passive role in seeing the principles and virtues of little r republicanism come to fruition.If we are to prevail in refastening the blessings won by the Founding Generation it will emanate from each individual participating at some level whether forming their own […]

todayAugust 19, 2011 3


Bachmann Promises $2.00 Gallon Gas-Does That Mean $800 Gold Too?!

[mp3t track='18082011_Transcript1_GOP_saviors_never_end.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana -- Michele Bachmann announced that once elected she would see that the price of gasoline is lowered to under $2.00. Why is she making phoney baloney campaign promises that make her sound likea hack? Stick to The Constitution and Free Markets!Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: You know, something else interesting happened yesterday. I know a lot of you are wedded and are enthusiastic about the Michele Bachmann for President campaign. Do we have the digital media […]

todayAugust 18, 2011 3

Daily Clip

Krauthammer and Rove’s Hamiltonian Fetish for a King

Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana In the annals of Great DeceptiCON hyperbole, Mike exposes the ingrained fetish Straussians have as it relates to the role of the President. According to Charles The Grinch Krauthammer and Karl Rove, President Obamas bus tour is a farce due to the campaign style stump speeches in lieu of him explaining what HE will do to fix the economy.Newsflash: The President does not set policy that is the role of the Congress; the President merely ensures said […]

todayAugust 18, 2011 3


The Founders Were Christians Young Libertarians Deny This

[mp3t track='17082011_Transcript1_the_Founders_WERE_Christians_young_libertarians_deny_this.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptCaller: I do agree with you a hundred percent. Ron Paul is kind of like, you saw, like, bed sheets on the highway supporting Ron Paul. And, like, it was more of an anarchist, like, this movement coming out of the colleges out here in Illinois, all the community colleges and stuff. The Obama people were fighting with the Ron Paul people to attack that young movement to push for Iowa. They were doing bus […]

todayAugust 17, 2011 3


Tom Woods On Why Ron Paul Won The Iowa Debate

[mp3t track='12082011_Tom_woodspart1.mp3']12 August, 2011 - NEW ORLEANS, LA. - Dr. Tom Woods joins Mike to discuss Iran's foreign policy, Ron Paul's performance in the Iowa/Fox News/Examiner Debate and the new Revolution Super PAC which he is serving on the board. "Ron Paul clearly won the debate last night" Woods says enthusiastically. Listen to both parts of the interview to hear Woods & Mike Church flesh out what will become the great debates of the 2012Presidential Contest and why Ron Paul, […]

todayAugust 15, 2011 10

Church Doctrine

If the Constitution & Sound Money Are Restored the Press & The Polls take the Hit

"If the Constitution & Sound Money Are Restored the Press & The Polls take the Hit"2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.When is coming in a statistical dead-heat for first place in a nationally televised competitive event a non news item when you were expected to finish no better than 4th!? Well, if you are candidate Ron Paul that is exactly what has occurred. Paul finished a mere 152 votes behind Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachman. This […]

todayAugust 15, 2011 4

Church Doctrine

“Hey Conservatives! Let Isreal Use The 10th Amendment Too!”

2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people. Those who fashion themselves as conservatives these days fancy themselves defenders and promoters of this most high of all Constitutional goods. We hear it from Congress, Governors, state legislators and Tea Party Leaders to […]

todayAugust 12, 2011 3


Bombing Nagasaki-An Act of Barbarism Unbecoming Of "Conservatives"

Audio-Mandeville, LA - Few events in history stir more emotional responses than the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.So many historians and men of devout faith have pointed out, over and over again the propaganda that has made these atrocious events cherished military conquest. On today's show I brought up the remorse August 9th, 1945 should be remembered with and then shared ralph raico's essay with the audience. I was inspired to act after seeing the inspirational piece my friend […]

todayAugust 9, 2011 3

Church Doctrine

The Middle Class: Damaged Goods Funding Damaged Goods2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Official Mordor on the Potomac River is all abuzz with the damaging news of S&Ps downgrade of the United States credit rating from AAA to AA+. Some members of the Tyracracy are also hilariously suggesting that the downgrade will hurt middle class Americans. This statement has the attraction of being believable so long as the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy visit your home […]

todayAugust 8, 2011 3
