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President's Weekly Address: In the Name of Empire, We must Raise the Debt Ceiling

WASHINGTON District of Criminals In this weeks address, President Obama called on both factions of the statist parties to work together to find a balanced approach to solving the nations deficit problem so that wars may continue unabated. The President emphasized the importance additional sacrifice from the people so that the federal government can overcome the chorus of those who wish to see a reduction in spending, thus allowing for the continued glorious expansion of empire.However, to actually see the […]

todayJuly 16, 2011 6

Church Doctrine

Republicanism is the Best Hope for all Mankind

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]A Most Happy Summer of Republicanism To You2011 Mike ChurchHey Folks Mike Church here with Todays Church Doctrine.Over the last 7 months of Church Doctrines we have covered the entire gamut of issues that make up our political discourse and we have also begun discussions on topics few rarely discussed, until now. The most cherished of these to me, your host, has and will always be what I call taking the founding fathers red pill or living in a […]

todayJuly 14, 2011 11

Church Doctrine

When Principal requires Principle

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]When Principal requires Principle2011 Mike ChurchHey Folks Mike Church here with Todays Church Doctrine.With all the talk over the debt ceiling swirling around these days one might think all that is needed for conservatives to achieve a victory is to hold the line on an increase. That any compromise which is reached that does not add to the current $14.2 TRILLION worth of charge card government, which is what the debt really is, is ok. But folks, wait just […]

todayJuly 13, 2011 7

Church Doctrine

The United States: Wage Limits & Student Loans For All

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]The United States: Wage Limits & Student Loans For All2011 Mike ChurchHey Folks Mike Church here with Todays Church Doctrine.When Newsweek Magazine famously issued its cover story titled We Are All Socialists Now most conservatives howled in protest while citizens of Libtardia quietly embraced their right wing brethren on equal terms, finally. The vast majority of what Sir Walter Scott called The Great Unwashed Masses were the loudest opponents of Newsweeks proclamation and remain so today. Go to any […]

todayJuly 12, 2011 5

Church Doctrine


[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]Its Not A Debt Ceiling, Its A Debt Suggestion2011 Mike ChurchHey Folks Mike Church here with Todays Church Doctrine.I have 10 foot tall ceilings in my home. The are framed with 2x6 wooden rafters sitting atop walls framed with 2x4 wall studs. The ceiling is covered with gypsum wallboard and then painted for appearances. These ceilings in my home dont move, they dont rise because tall people enter the home, they dont drop because short people come inside for […]

todayJuly 11, 2011 8


The Misapplication of the 14th Amendment and its Relation to Leviathan

[mp3t track='08072011_Transcript1_Incorporation_Doctrine.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptDamon: So about a month ago I was listening to another talk show, and they were talking about the Westboro Baptist Church thing. And I called in to tell them, look, the First Amendment says Congress shall make no law. It doesnt say anybody else, you know, states, municipalities, cities, et cetera. And he went on, and this is the same guy thatll sit there and preach to me about case law; right? Okay. So […]

todayJuly 8, 2011 3


Regulatory Fees are Shadow-Taxes and thus Wholly Unconstitutional

[mp3t track='08072011_Transcript2_Taxes_without_representation_FCC-EPA.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, La. Despite it being clear that ARTICLE I, Section 8 grants the Congress the power to tax, the cold-hard reality is that federal bureaucracies such as the EPA and FCC levy fees with reckless abandon. The resulting crisscrossed mesh of bloated bureaucratic fees is nothing more than what can only be referred to as shadow-taxes.The tax-by-proxy scheme is so onerous that it results in poor and middle-class Americans losing nearly half of their total incomes by the […]

todayJuly 8, 2011 5

Church Doctrine


[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]Americas Public Schools - Practicing the Dark Art Of Delusion Since 19452011 Mike ChurchDelusion; this is the word of the day that I will now use in a sentence to establish my argument. Citizens of these United States suffer under the delusion that their public institutions can be reformed and then become successful. For the concept that anything called public could ever outperform or surpass its free market counterpart was itself a delusion forced down our throats by delusional […]

todayJuly 7, 2011 2

Church Doctrine

If You Want Smaller Government You

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]If You Want Smaller Government Youll Need a Lot More Small Business2011 Mike ChurchHey Folks Mike Church here with Todays Church Doctrine.When is being in small business a bad thing? How about when youve been conditioned your entire life to view business as corrupt and in need of noble and selfless Federal Overlords, to regulate and supervise them. Otherwise they will certainly poison, dismember, electrocute or gouge people. We are instructed by our state and Congressional overlords that without […]

todayJuly 6, 2011 4
