Blog masonry


Daily Clip

Voting Does Not Make You Patriotic, Self-Governing Does

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Voting is not the ultimate act of self-government. Let’s say you only voted every four years. So you voted, you don’t have to actually govern yourself? You’re not actually governed by a higher vote that you might cast, which is to be a virtuous, moral person? My point is that we are putting an awful lot of pressure on ourselves. People are making an awful lot of enemies out of friends and […]

todayOctober 26, 2012 20


Why the State Wants You to Beg Them for Marriage Licenses

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - My friends, my goodness, the assimilation of the life of an American citizen into a symbiotic relationship with its government is complete. We are the freaking Borg. As a matter of fact, if they make another Star Trek movie, they ought to make the United States government out to be the monster. It assimilates anything that it touches, and it assimilates it for its own benefit, or for the benefit of those that are […]

todayOctober 26, 2012 11

Pile Of Prep

Pile of Prep-The ObamaCare Christmas Bonus: You Will Only be Allowed 30 Hrs of Part-Time

Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep from Mike Church. The daily wrap up of stories used to produce the Mike Church Show. 12 days to go and all tied up (if you can believe that) and Romney seems to have lost the initiative Mike Church Show listener discovers the Libtard version of "Double Secret Probabtion" after videotaping Dem Congressman Colin Peterson's tirade over abortion The ObamaCare Chritmas bonus: You will only be allowed to work 30 hours per week […]

todayOctober 26, 2012 3

Daily Clip

Will Conservatives Smack Down Romney/Ryan Mandates as Unconstitutional Acts?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Even if Romney and Ryan are elected, their plans are to run budget deficits about $800 billion short of the ones President Obama plans to run. Who’s going to check them, Boehner? What do you geniuses out there that propose it’s either Romney or all of us die, what do you propose to do about the trillions of dollars that he’s going to add to the deficit? There is no end to […]

todayOctober 25, 2012 9

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Your daily dose of “Mike You’re Bitter & Angry & Hate Your Country Because Ron Paul Lost

Mandeville, LA - Your daily dose of "Mike you are bitter and angry and hate your country because Ron Paul lost, hate mail! "You all are too eager too waist your vote when we need to get Obama out of office so badly. Mr Church I've been listening to you for about a year, and I was interested until now. I am no longer going to listen to you because I believe you are toxic. You have managed to convince […]

todayOctober 25, 2012 10

Founders Corner

Jefferson Informs Congress of Pirates and ASKS Them What To Do

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I’m putting together a history of the Louisiana Purchase. The reason for it is because so many people are convinced that Jefferson was a hypocrite, and that he did not consult the Constitution and that the Louisiana Purchase was an unconstitutional act, therefore Jefferson was no friend to the Constitution. That is not true. That is not the case. The Louisiana Purchase was a correct use of presidential authority, and the Senate and Congress […]

todayOctober 25, 2012 5

Founders Television

Romney Is A Liberal!?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - We know that many people in the ABO (that's "anyone but Obama") camp don't want to hear this... but Romney is a liberal at heart, or at least he is depending on what day of the week you're talking to him according to Paul Gottfried at Most of the traditional "conservative media outlets" have ignored the fact that any of Romney's ACTUAL conservative policies during the primaries have vanished now that […]

todayOctober 25, 2012 15

Church Doctrine

Louisiana’s Second Amendment is Fine, Our Governor & Legislature Aren’t

On the ballot for Who Dats this Nov 6th, is yet another Amendment to the LA Constitution but this one comes in the form of a NEW, improved, “2nd Amendment”! Governor Jindal is out promoting this Amendment as a way “to secure our freedom” so local law enforcement cannot act as anarchists and confiscate guns after another Katrina, this amendment will NOT accomplish that. Check out the rest in the Church Doctrine...

todayOctober 25, 2012 8
