insert_link Transcripts Birzer Channels Dawson: Why Virtue Doesn’t Happen Without Faith Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - By the way, if you’re a Roman Catholic, there is a great disturbance in the force. Perhaps you’ve felt it; I have felt this disturbance in the force. The dark side is about to make its final move on the church. That’s right, the dark side is about to make its final move. The bishops, the Pope meeting, trying to figure out how to get people back into the church. Here’s a clue, bishops […] todayOctober 11, 2012 8
insert_link Church Doctrine What do PBS Supporters Think We Are? Unified Thinking, Chinese Communists!? In last week’s presidential Debate, Mitt Romney famously promised to “eliminate any agency or program we have to fund by borrowing money from China”. This include PBS and Big Bird. Romney’s test for Federal survival is much ballyhooed by “conservatives” who aren’t very “conservative” these days. If you need a test for whether or not to fund something Governor, try looking it up in here. If it doesn’t appear in an enumerated power than regardless of what Jackie Chan thinks […] todayOctober 11, 2012 8
insert_link Daily Clip Secession Should Happen and It Should Be On Our Terms Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - If you don’t want to be a citizen of the world, if you’re tired of being told you have to subscribe to the UN’s Agenda 21 and this, that and the other from the United Nations and the European Union and all that stuff, then get out of it. Lead the way. Of course, the Constitution, that glorious document, provides us all the methodology needed to accomplish this. This is within your […] todayOctober 11, 2012 11
insert_link Founders Television No One Bothers Tracing What Happened in Libya to its Roots Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - At Mordor on the Potomac during a hearing on the tragedy in Libya, no on involved actually bothered examining WHY this attack took place at all. Was it because of our drone strikes? Because of our air cover? Boots on the ground? Assistance of the rebels? Etc, etc… None of the "conservatives" at the hearing even mentioned the Constitution, had it been adhered to, none of this would have happened because the […] todayOctober 11, 2012 16
insert_link Listeners Lounge Ron Paul Supporters: Meet “The Choicers” RON PAUL SUPPORTERS: MEET “THE CHOICERS” By Brutus Anonymous Location, Azusa - Margaret Thatcher is famous for many things but not for her standup joke routine perhaps that should change. One evening while dining with some dignified heads of state and her staff at a posh London steak house, Lady Thatcher was asked what her meal preference was, all chatter ceased as Thatcher sternly replied “I will have the Beef Wellington”. While the waiter moved to his next query the […] todayOctober 11, 2012 15
Pile Of Prep Dead Men Tell No Tales: Just Ask Slick Hilly Who Eulogized Ambassador She Sent to His Demise Finally! DeceptiCONS have lost the battle to pitch tax cuts and simultaneous revenue increases Senator Rand Paul also heard what I heard from Mitt at VMI: This belligerent foreign policy is expensive, aggressive and misses the chance to put things on the table needed to balance the budget After all the "comeback" narrative resulting from Mitt's debate surge only gets Romney in reach of the WH, as miraculously, Obama still leads Odds are that we will see The Angry Joe […] todayOctober 11, 2012 7
insert_link Transcripts “Mission Impossible” a poem by Stephen Masty Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Stephen Masty posts this poem at The Imaginative Conservative website. I laughed and I cried as I read this last night and I wanted to share it with the audience. It’s great prose. We don’t have enough poetry, which is one of the beautiful things in life that we seem to believe we can do without, unless it is contained in a Bob Seger or John Cougar or Rush song these days. How about […] todayOctober 10, 2012 8
insert_link Founders Television Would You Re-Elect A President Whose Focus is On A Muppet? Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - If Obama's focus is going to be on a Muppet, why would anyone want to re-elect him? There's too many other important issues (like the economy and jobs) that we should be focusing on, that this new ad is nothing more than a distraction. Yeah, Romney was the one who originally brought Big Bird up, but Obama is the one who is beating the dead horse... or bird. todayOctober 10, 2012 6
insert_link Transcripts Roepke: Property Ownership Most Important in Capitalism Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - There’s another great story at The Imaginative Conservative website about Wilhelm Roepke, the great Austrian economist and the kind of economics we ought to be talking about. We’re having this big, vainglorious discussion about the merits of Republican central economic planning versus the merits of Democrat central economic planning. They’re both central economic planners. As Governor Romney exhibited at VMI, yes, we’ll spread free trade and goodness and, I’m trying to remember how he […] todayOctober 10, 2012 11