Project ’76

60 Results / Page 2 of 7


Project '76

Rebel Flag Mob: What ‘Murica Needs Is To Bring Back Salem Hick Trials (or start them)

Mandeville, LA - What's next Amazon, Wal-Mart, Sears, K-Mart and the rest of CowardCo. 'Muricah, you going to ban the term SECEDE!? Shall we change all persons named Lee to ------ (insert phony, non-offensive moniker here). What about the original racist, hick-hayseed slave owners who committed actual treason against an actual King and "separated" from "Great Britain"? (Inconvenient Truth alert, it was merciless tyrant, King George III who ENDED England's folly […]

todayJune 23, 2015 11

Project '76

Independence: Virginia Defied George III Before The Declaration & Elected Patrick Henry Governor

Mandeville, LA - (Editor's Note: This piece originally appeared on 1 July, 2013) On Saturday, 29 June, 1776 the VA Convention, on the 3rd vote, gave its approbation to the Constitution for the Commonwealth of VA and Independence, days before Congress jointly acted. That same day, newly elected delegates to its first Assembly, voted Patrick Henry as the first governor of VA. Previously, during the debate over VA's soon to […]

todayMay 28, 2015 6

Project '76

Patrick Henry: Without Virtue & Morality The Founding Fathers Design Would Not Last

Editors Note: (This piece appeared originally on 13 January, 2013) This page represents the first of many to come that will feature Project '76 sight & sound content. Project '76 will,  for the 1st time ever, take the written words of the 17th-19th century and present them in concise, entertaining audio & video formats that are portable & downloadable. Now you will be able to experience the great works in written, […]

todayMay 28, 2015 12

John Taylor-friend to James Madison

Project '76

PREVIEW-John Taylor of Caroline, American Statesman

Mandeville, LA - After nearly 6 months of exhaustive research, translation, composition and editing we are in the final phase of making ready for press "John Taylor of Caroline County-American Statesman"!! I have long wished to publish Taylor's works and a complete bio of his political career, that is now possible with the discovery of the rare works presented herein. The "Disunion Sentiment in Congress" manuscript is being published for […]

todayApril 7, 2015 7

Project '76

Great Reading & Listening: John Taylor’s “Argument on the Carriage Tax” Book

THIS WEEKEND ONLY, GET A CARRIAGE TAX BOOK FREE WITH ANY PURCHASE An ARGUMENT RESPECTING THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE CARRIAGE TAX - In V I R G I N I A, In May, 1795 by John Taylor of Caroline County. Mandeville, LA - John Taylor of Caroline County, Virginia continues to this day an unheralded member of that august group of American men known as “Founding Fathers”. The following work, “An […]

todayFebruary 10, 2015 10

Project '76

“Conservatives” Put The Constitution Out Of Its Misery With Vaccines

The Federal Constitution Reserved The Power To Quarantine And Immunize To The States, Why Don't "Conservatives" Understand & Promote This? Editor's Note: This is the final, complete essay that originally appeared in the Daily Caller of 04 February, 2015. This edition was compiled exclusively for Founders Pass Members. Not a member!? Why not join for a mere .17¢ per day and gain access to this eBook AND the audio edition, […]

todayFebruary 4, 2015 9

Project '76

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? If You’re In Congress You Have No Power (Monroe Veto Message)

Mandeville, LA - In another of the trillions of signs that "conservatives" left the GOP at about the same time Elvis went missing, the GOP opposition to President Obama's $478 BILLION "public works" bill has all the elements we've come to expect and that's the problem: where is the Constitution? Rep Paul Ryan one of the "conservative" usual suspects conceded the "transportation bill" part of Obama's scheme but objects to […]

todayFebruary 2, 2015 5

Founders Corner

John Quincy Adams Speech of “Monsters to Destroy” 4 July, 1821

Mandeville, LA - On the 45th Anniversary of the passage of the Declaration of Independence, Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, delivered the following remarks to the members of the 22nd Congress in attendance. The reader wil N.B. that Adams acknowledges the Declaration of Independence while restating that it was American Custom to "(sic)...respected the independence of other nations while asserting and maintaining her own." There is no trace of […]

todayJanuary 15, 2015 20
