
1001 Results / Page 104 of 112



Hurricane Isaac On Track For Mike Church Studios

As of right now (Sunday night), Hurricane Isaac is on a direct path for New Orleans and Mike Church Studios. Mike is currently braving it out in Tampa but the minions in New Orleans are preparing to evacuate to be on the safe side. So please bear with us this week if updates are slow as we try and stay safe. Hopefully everything will be back to normal next week. […]

todayAugust 26, 2012 9


When Freidrich Met Russell – The Famous “Conservative” vs “Liberal” Essay by Hayek

Mandeville, LA - In response to many requests by readers for a posting of Freidrich Hayek's "response" to Russell Kirk's "Chirping Sectaries" essay, here is the Hayek post in its entirety. I will post more of a narrative and response after reading this work in its entirety. Why I Am Not a Conservative By Nobel laureate F. A. Hayek In The Constitution of Liberty (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, […]

todayAugust 20, 2012 6


If It Was Not Granted Then it Was Reserved – Why The Lincolnistas Are Wrong

Mandeville, LA - Noah Millman posts at the American Conservative Magazine in part: "If the secessionist cause is to be justified in the Declaration’s terms, it must make one of two claims. Either there are no “political bands” of note to dissolve – the Union is a mere compact among sovereign entities, that any party may depart from at will. Or, if those bands are granted to exist, the election […]

todayAugust 20, 2012 11

Listeners Lounge

If At First you Don’t Secede… “ST*U” and Promote Ryan Romney!

Mandeville, LA - From time to time, oh ok, 16 times a day we receive email and comments on this site that are not so flattering or approving. Occasionally someone posts something that we think other visitors and members in support of our efforts should see and be able to respond to (as Mike did) in this example. We wonder what inspires men like Bruce B. to take time from […]

todayAugust 20, 2012 11

Listeners Lounge

Secession is AOK as Long as Northerners Are The Ones Promoting It – Just Like WLK’s Story

Mandeville, LA - The plot lines of "What Lincoln Killed-Episode I" detail the NORTHERN states attempts to secede and form a Northern Confederation during the Jefferson & Adams Administrations. As I point out in WLK, 45 years later the sons of Madison & Jefferson (figuratively speaking) actually went though with their secession acts which impelled northern states to boil over with 70 years of pent up frustration. Chuck Thompson is […]

todayAugust 13, 2012 17


Paul Ryan Gives Romney The Look of Being Serious About Being Serious

My thoughts on the Paul Ryan VP pick by Governor Romney as I relayed them to Kevin Gutzman. "I agree this is a positive move and spares me the agony of having to deal with supporters of war monger Rubio. Ryan is only serious inasmuch as saving baseline budgeting from its well deserved demise but I agree he is a very serious man and I believe him to be well tempered […]

todayAugust 13, 2012 7

Listeners Lounge

Listene[r] Posts on [r]epublicanism – Moral Decay is Everywhere

This is the first of what we hope will be many, many Mike Church Show listeners editorials here in a new section of the site created just for you: The Listeners Lounge. You can hang out, chat with other listeners, post your own articles, comment on other articles and generally make this place your own "Committee of Correspondence".Our submission guidelines are simple: Submit & edit your own work about subjects […]

todayJuly 26, 2012 5


The DudeGear Store Is Still Open While The New Store Is Under Construction

BLAME IT ALL ON LINCOLN! Folks, thanks for all your emails concerning the missing items from the new store "The Founders Tradin' Post". We fully intended to have the new store stocked and ready when it was launched but a guy named Lincoln and What he Killed got the best of our time and resources! You can still order your favorite items from the DudeGear Store just like always by […]

todayJuly 5, 2012 7


The Beatification of John Roberts Continues – Here’s My Dissent

I received this essay via e-mail this morning and have confirmed the author's identity. Below is his post and further below my response/dissent. Richard Bolen The Bolen Law Firm Lexington, South Carolina 02 July 2012 To all my friends, particularly those conservatives who are despondent over the searing betrayal by Chief Justice John Roberts and the pending demise of our beloved country, I offer this perspective to convey some […]

todayJuly 5, 2012 26
