
1980 Results / Page 107 of 220



Real Christian Charity Is Needed Today

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – In other words, what the original progressive charitable people wanted to do was eliminate all the slobs out there, eliminate all the people that weren’t them. In other words, let’s build a master race right here in the United States. We won’t have any poor people and we won’t have to have any philanthropy or charity. The problem with charity is it creates more […]

todayNovember 6, 2013 16


No, Not The ‘S’ Word, Don’t Say It . . . Secession In Northern Colorado

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So I have this story about how northern, rural Colorado is overrun and is going to get steamrolled by progressives that have invaded parts of northern, rural Colorado and the rest of Colorado and it’s over. If you go out there and say you don’t like killing babies, those progressives are going to run against you and Terry McAuliffe you. They’re going to Ken […]

todayNovember 5, 2013 9


Party Politics Get Stronger And Stronger, Leaving The U.S. Vulnerable To Warring Factions And Separation

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What has party affiliation and partisanship gained us? It has gained us what James Madison would call factions. What are factions? They are anathema to self-government and republicanism. Now that we have factions, this is why it’s almost impossible to get anything done that you or I would think is positive, politically speaking. You’re not going to be able to win in this hyper-charged […]

todayNovember 5, 2013 5


Senator Mike Lee, Talking True Conservative Sense And Reason

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This story here in The Atlantic, Mike Lee, talking about how the GOP has got to part with spin and personality. Well, now, Lee is wise to say this because spin and personality are what? What is that? That’s sophistry. It means nothing. All it does is allow people to use the term “conservative” to personally and monetarily benefit from it. In other words, […]

todayNovember 5, 2013 9


Northern Colorado Secession Hangs In The Balance

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There will be other legislators from Colorado that will say: It’s not really our choice now. If they want to leave, who are we to tell them they have to stay? This is what progressives and libs do all the time. They tell you you have to do things you don’t want to do. Why would then the progressive legislature of the State of […]

todayNovember 4, 2013 4


Community Is Vital And Funeral Selfies Are Another Reminder Why

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I thought when I got this that this was one of those it looks like a story but it’s actually an ad. You know what I’m talking about? They try to get you to click them by making them look like stories when they’re advertisements. The first time I saw it, I ignored it. Second time I saw it, I was actually at TownHall, […]

todayNovember 4, 2013 10


Obamacare Is Un-Insuring Americans Faster Than It’s Insuring Them

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, are you noticing a trend here? None of this crap has anything to do with actually doctoring or nursing, none of it. PPO, HMO, EPO, HMS, all these things,, exchange plan, change this, plan that, extended care, early care, none of this has anything to do with needles and syringes and stethoscopes and sphygmomanometer (I think that’s what the gizmo is called […]

todayNovember 4, 2013 6


It’s Not Left-Right, Red Sox Vs Yankees! It’s Conservator Vs. Liberator

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "It's not Red Sox Vs Yankees, it's Conservationists Vs Liberationists."  Conor Friedersdorf has an interesting post at The Atlantic website.  It operates under the title, “What Parts of the New Deal Do ‘True Conservatives’ Want to Scrap?”  I can answer that question in three notes.  How about the whole thing?  How about we start with Wickard v. Filburn?  How about that, Conor?  If we […]

todayNovember 1, 2013 13


What’s “Commercial” About Flying when Leviathan Provides Security, Tarmac & ATC!?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, there’s another part of this that we’re not ever going to talk about and we’re not going to get into because the airlines have been shielded from this by the national government, by Leviathan.  I believe that the airlines have probably been shielded from this in other countries as well that have industrial policies that make this so.  The airlines operate to ferry […]

todayNovember 1, 2013 4
