
1980 Results / Page 209 of 220



Will "Conservatives" Let Scott Pelley Pick Their Nominee?

[mp3t track='111411_Transcript1_Conservatives_get_rolled_by_media_libs_in_primary_debates.mp3'] Now, I am not challenging whether or not you agree with that, or you should agree with it. What I am challenging, and what AG just said, is that were challenging, why are you people making lovers out of the libtard media? And the only reason many of you are up in arms about it today is because Michele Bachmann got shafted, no pun intended. You could care […]

todayNovember 15, 2011 5


Where Are The Serious People Dealing With Our Serious Decline?

[mp3t track='08112011_Transcript1_Why_so_unserious_about%20VERY_serious_theings.mp3']EXCLUSIVE-Mike Church Show Audio & Transcript Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: This is what just bedevils me about this.  And Ive told this story 175 times on this show.  Let me tell it again because maybe someone else will repeat it.  Maybe.  Maybe someone will repeat it.  And maybe to one person out there itll make sense, and maybe then theyll repeat it, and we can start a […]

todayNovember 9, 2011 11


Interview-Kevin Gutzman: War With Iran & James Madison's View Of In God We Trust

[mp3t track='08112011_Interview_Gutzman_Iran_and_neocon_draft_EDITED.mp3']EXCLUSIVE-Mike Church Show Audio & Transcript Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:There are two things that came up on yesterdays program, before I get to a phone call, Kevin, that I wanted to address.  In you and Tom Woodss book, you have a chapter in there about now, correct me, because I dont know the name of the act, so Im going to guess, and then you can fix […]

todayNovember 9, 2011 6


The Gospel According To Saint Cain

EXCLUSIVE-Mike Church Show Audio & Transcript Begin Mike Church Show Transcript The Gospel According To Saint Cain| I read now from the hallowed text. Can we put this in the Cainiac Bible? This is the first book no, no, the 9-9-9, wait a minute, 9-0-9 plan is the Book of Cain Genesis. This is the book of Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, all rolled into one.One Year from Now When I […]

todayNovember 7, 2011 7


In Search Of Conservatism Among Conservatives

[mp3t track='04112011_Transcript1_What_conservatism_means_in_2011_edit.mp3']Audio, Mandeville, LA -  Begin Mike Church Show Transcript -Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptUpdate I - Tom Woods argues that Herman Cain boosters and supporters are not even bothering to re-arrange the Titanic's deck chairs in their promotion of Cain as the "beau ideal of conservatism" (Mike's term) Woods writes: "Under Cain its only slightly less obvious. His big proposal is a revenue-neutral tax shifting. He has no plans […]

todayNovember 4, 2011 3


Professor Red Pill Explains The Con Con

[mp3t track='03112011_Transcript2_Article_V_why_it_is_time.mp3']Mike:I want to go real quick to this story in the American Conservative magazine today because we are trying to figure out a way out of this mess, unlike the fakes and the frauds and the phonies and those that are in on the preservation of Leviathan who call themselves members of Congress and what have you here. There is a solution to this, and that is to amend […]

todayNovember 4, 2011 6


Betrayal: The Tea Party Congress Same As Old Congress

[mp3t track='03112011_Transcreipt1_Deficit_increase_WITH_Tea_Party_In_Congress_ho_hum.mp3']Mike: This just on the wires, the CNS News Service, debt increased $203 billion in October $650 for every man, woman, and chirruns in America. If I did not have a Google News Alert for debt increase, I would not have seen this. If I were not plugged in and looking for this, I would not see this because nobody cares about this. No one seems to be worried […]

todayNovember 4, 2011 5


Church Doctrine-A Con Con-Its Time Has Come

[mp3t track='20111103_church_doctrine_sponsored.mp3']A Con-Con - Its Time Has Come2011 Mike ChurchExclusive, Audio & Transcript - Hey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine. The news reports today are the same as they were one month ago: The Federal Monster racked up another $203 BILLION in deficits in October. That is an additional $650 for every man, woman, child and Chass Bono in the United States added to our current National […]

todayNovember 3, 2011 7
