insert_link Church Doctrine Memorial Day Classic Mike Church Show: A Lot More Than Hot Dogs and The D-Day Museum Memorial Day: A Lot More Than Hot Dogs & The D-Day Museum ©2012 Mike Church (this essay was originally published on 30 May, 2012) Madisonville, LA- Most folks think of Memorial Day as the day that kicks off summer or the day that the great-American-hot dog notches its first outdoor cooking of the year. For those that commemorate the holiday with solemn remembrances of Our war-dead this is […] todayMay 28, 2021 21
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 28 March This Day in Founding Founders History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. One notable birthday on this day in 1674, that of William Byrd, also referred to as William Byrd II of Westover. todayMarch 28, 2015 8
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 15 March This Day In Founding Fathers History – 15 March 2013 On this day in 1820, Maine joined the union as the 23rd state, part of the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The population of Maine at that time was nearly 300,000 and the territory consisted of nine counties and 236 towns. It took delegates three weeks in October of 1819 to finalize a state constitution, with the convention presided over by […] todayMarch 15, 2015 7
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 11 March This Day in Founding Founders History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. Two birthday today, those of Robert Treat Paine and John McLean, check out today's Founders History to learn more about them... todayMarch 11, 2015 12
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 10 July This Day in Founding Fathers History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. On this day in 1832, President Andrew Jackson vetoed the bank bill which would have renewed the corporate charter for the Second Bank of the United States. todayJuly 10, 2014 10
insert_link Interviews Founders Admitted Failure To Defend Spirit Of ’76 After Ratification Of Constitution Did The Founders Get It 100% Perfect? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let me share something with you on the 237th anniversary of the bullet points of the Constitution being introduced in Federal Convention in 1787. This is from Christopher Ferrara’s phenomenal book Liberty, the God That Failed, page 242, “The Founders’ Season of Regret – Things Fall Apart.”" Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show […] todayJune 2, 2014 11
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 21 May This Day in Founding Fathers History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. On this day in 1832, the first Democratic National Convention was held in Baltimore. todayMay 21, 2014 12
insert_link Transcripts Rand Paul On Syria – U.S. Has No Reason To Interfere Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – A case has been made that is one that is counter to the one the president made. As I said, I think the most powerful part of it is: I will not vote to send my son, your son, or your daughter into an unnecessary war. Candidate Paul continues to branch out and become more of a force or more of a contender to […] todaySeptember 11, 2013 11
insert_link Transcripts Will We Eventually Cleanse The Currency Too? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We know that George Washington had friends and close associates that owned slaves. I demand that the U.S. Treasury -- as a matter of fact, I want a giant crane with a five-ton wrecking ball on the end of it to smash that thing called the Washington Monument. That thing needs to come down. Washington had friends that were slave owners. He had relatives […] todayAugust 8, 2013 9
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757