Donald Trump

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Living In A Divided Nation

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There’s another part about this I want to talk about.  How many of you were around on April 15, 2009?  How many of you remember the Tea Party revolts, riots, protests, rallies on tax day 2009?  Millions upon millions of people turned out to protest what?" Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  I’m going to go out […]

todayNovember 18, 2016 7


I’m A Sexual Assault Victim Who Still Supports Trump – DC McAllister

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s go to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello to our old and dear friend, Denise “DC” McAllister, who is a prolific writer at, among other places,  That’s where we find today the headline, “I’m A Sexual Assault Victim Who Still Supports Trump.”  We are very delighted to have the presence of Ms. McAllister."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike […]

todayNovember 17, 2016 10


It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary by Ilana Mercer

It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary © By ILANA Mercer If you strapped Bill Clinton to a polygraph (or some lie detector that can’t be fooled or shorted by the Clintons)—I suspect he, too, might confess to a preference for Vladimir Putin over Barack Obama. Mr. Clinton had been appropriately scathing, in 2008, about Obama’s mythical status in the media. A “fairy tale,” he called the current […]

todaySeptember 16, 2016 23


Trump Meets With President Enrique Peña Nieto

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You see that?  You see how it’s just pushed off?  A week ago he’s going to get us all killed.  A week ago everyone in Mexico hates him, including the president.  Not a week ago, a day ago.  A day ago he’s a loose cannon that can’t negotiate with anyone, and certainly can’t negotiate with anyone that has any position of governing authority."  Check […]

todaySeptember 12, 2016 8


Trump Is Not The Moron The Media Makes Him Out To Be

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I don’t know the entire details of the story, but I do know that there is something to the charge that the judge is out of control, or that the judge has not been acting in the most prudent and unbiased manner.  Remember, he’s a judge.  He’s supposed to have a blindfold on.  He’s not supposed to be able to see anyone." Check out […]

todaySeptember 9, 2016 8


“Trump’s Not Yet President, But Nieto Is Saying, ‘Si Se Puede’” by Ilana Mercer

Trump’s Not Yet President, But Nieto Is Saying, ‘Si Se Puede’ By ilana mercer FOLLOWING Donald J. Trump's sublime immigration address, critics—essentially all Big, Crooked Media—charged that Trump's Arizona speech represented a sharp departure from the tone he took earlier that day, with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. A reversal, if you will. Nonsense. With President Nieto, Donald Trump was at once patriotic, forceful and diplomatic. In close to two […]

todaySeptember 2, 2016 8


What Is The Role Of Government?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "What is the purpose of government?  As a matter of fact, I meant to play this clip yesterday.  Donald Trump actually got this correct in his speech.  During his speech on Tuesday night, Trump asked and then answered the question of “What is the first duty of government?”"  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  What is the […]

todaySeptember 1, 2016 7


Marc Morano and Mike Church Talk Climate

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Marc Morano, the producer and the creator behind the fantastic movie Climate Hustle, and proprietor of is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us.  By the way, our threat is not the Russians or terrorism or Islam; it is climate change, the greatest threat to our life according to the whole Democratic [unintelligible], according to Bernie Sanders, according to President Obama, and […]

todayAugust 25, 2016 5


Joseph Pearce – Do Black Lives Really Matter?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The fact that most of these abortions take place – most of these executions, let me get this correct, are performed by a corporate entity.  You know it as Planned Parenthood.  There is one presidential candidate that believes Planned Parenthood is entitled to not only taxpayer funding but more taxpayer funding.  We could go on and on and on about the atrocities that are […]

todayAugust 16, 2016 8
