
54 Results / Page 6 of 6


Pile Of Prep

The Great, Aristocratic, Gentlemanly, Southern Tradition Goes Bye Bye With Boo Boo

Honey Boo Boo make the biggest boo boo of all: normalizing white trash and continuing the assault of the Southern Tradition Machiavelli Lives: Obama jokingly castigates himself for not paying enough in taxes so he can viciously castigate Romney According to the amount of FedEx Shipments, the recession began this summer New Orleans, the City That Knowledge Forgot: N.O. tour guides claim the first Amendment protects their right to botch […]

todaySeptember 24, 2012 9

Founders Television

2012 Constitution Day – Interview with Bradley Birzer

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Join us on our 2012 Constitution Day Extravaganza for this special [r]epublican radio podcast interview with Professor Bradley Birzer. Browse our archives for more Constitution Day interviews from Kevin Gutzman and Brion McClanahan. If you're not a Founders Pass member… sign up now!

todaySeptember 19, 2012 11

Founders Television

The Mathematics of Voting

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - There appears to be no mathematical formula to voting that DOESN'T lead to Obama, because apparently, a vote for anyone other than the two major candidates is a vote for Obama. So THEREFORE, a vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama, a vote for Virgil Goode is a vote for Obama, or a vote for ANYONE ELSE would be a […]

todaySeptember 18, 2012 13

Founders Television

2012 Constitution Day – Interview with Kevin Gutzman

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Join us on our 2012 Constitution Day Extravaganza for this special [r]epublican radio podcast interview with Professor Kevin Gutzman, this interview is for Founders Pass Members only. Stay tuned for another Constitution Day interviews from Bradley Birzer for Founder's Pass members. If you're not a Founders Pass member… sign up now!

todaySeptember 18, 2012 14

Pile Of Prep

QE3: Remember The Good Ol’ Days When A Dollar Bought 6% of What It Used To?

Romney's Unforced Libya Error: Blame it on "Liberal Media Bias" and non conforming [r]epublicans, ANYONE but Mitt Romney Q: Does Anyone including Mitt Romney even know what his foreign policy is or will be? Larison: Why do "Conservatives" have such think skin when it come sto their "Candidate"? No one ever said that Romney SHOULDN'T criticize Obama's FP, we questioned his facts and the content Good Advice for the US […]

todaySeptember 14, 2012 3


Here’s Proof That Mike Has Thrown Obama Under the Bus For the Tragedy in Libya

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Apparently some listeners (and Twitter followers) haven't gotten the point that Mike HAS INDEED thrown Obama under the bus for the tragedy in Libya. Some of these guys just don't get it and are out there jonesing for Mike's blood. Well, here's a transcript from today's show where Obama gets the full blame for aiding and abetting the al-Qaeda-infused rebels in Libya, which is […]

todaySeptember 13, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

In Libyan Response The Right Proves It Enjoys Bombing Brown People

Romney takes what could have been a Statesman's calling and turned it into a shameful, P.T. Barnum episode in foreign policy. While the War Council at Fox News & Talk Radio Stations cheered, Independents watched in stunned, disbelief, wondering how John McCain's "Lehman Bros moment" from 2012 could possibly happen again Michael Brendan Dougherty explains why embassies in foreign lands are NOT Alamo's AmConMag's Larison: Romney's self inflicted Libya wound […]

todaySeptember 13, 2012 13


Opposing Unconstitutional Wars

  Opposing Unconstitutional Wars By Sen. Rand Paul Much has been speculated and written since my endorsement of Mitt Romney for president. Many in the liberty movement and my longtime supporters wondered if, as a result of endorsing someone for office, I would stand up to them when they went astray. The question to me is as strange as the answer is simple: Yes, strongly. Every time. I have always […]

todayJune 20, 2012 11

Pile Of Prep

The Question Isn’t If Congress Should Regulate School Lunch Pizza It’s Whether Congressmen Who Think So Survive Impeachment

I watched Romney's debut of the "Cut The Spending" banner and stump speech and without hearing a solitary detail wonder if he thinks you'll buy the slogan then forget to demand the product? To answer that question consider Boehner's attempt to shellack us as rubes saying he "won't allow another bump in the debt ceiling without spending cuts" which obviously won't be enough to prevent raising the debt-can you say […]

todayMay 16, 2012 3
