
90 Results / Page 10 of 10


Founders Corner

John Taylor of Caroline-The Evil Moral principles Of The Government of the Unite States

Mandeville, LA - This is the 3rd chapetr of John Taylor's work  'An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States" written chiefly as a response to John Adams' "Defence of the Constitutions of The United States". This chapter lays out Taylor's belief that no system of government that ever stray from [r]epublican forms can remain free of corruption. You can listen to Taylor's view […]

todayAugust 27, 2012 18

Pile Of Prep

KingDude Predicts: Trump to Fire Obama on RNC Opening Night

In the ultimate act of naked ambition the GOP promises a "surprise role" for Donald Trump at the RNC Monday, what will the "surprise" be: A. Rolling out a layer cake where a Obama look-a-like jumps out with an Indonesian birth certificate strung around his neck B. The unveiling of the world's largest piñata made in the shape of a Chinese iPhone assembler or C. Trump kicks the convention off […]

todayAugust 21, 2012 10


If It Was Not Granted Then it Was Reserved – Why The Lincolnistas Are Wrong

Mandeville, LA - Noah Millman posts at the American Conservative Magazine in part: "If the secessionist cause is to be justified in the Declaration’s terms, it must make one of two claims. Either there are no “political bands” of note to dissolve – the Union is a mere compact among sovereign entities, that any party may depart from at will. Or, if those bands are granted to exist, the election […]

todayAugust 20, 2012 11

Pile Of Prep

If at First you Don’t Secede-Northern States of Course-Try, Try Again

Today's guest: Chuck Thompson's site where you'll find his book and writings on our North/South divorce er... secession Thompson uncovers story that chronicles US Marines marching in combat under rebel flag American Conservative Magazine's Noah Millman presents a completely and utterly historically incorrect view of the Declaration, the Constitution and the new craze of "Declarationism" - this thinking is precisely "What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I" was created to combat 2005 Book […]

todayAugust 20, 2012 10

Listeners Lounge

Secession is AOK as Long as Northerners Are The Ones Promoting It – Just Like WLK’s Story

Mandeville, LA - The plot lines of "What Lincoln Killed-Episode I" detail the NORTHERN states attempts to secede and form a Northern Confederation during the Jefferson & Adams Administrations. As I point out in WLK, 45 years later the sons of Madison & Jefferson (figuratively speaking) actually went though with their secession acts which impelled northern states to boil over with 70 years of pent up frustration. Chuck Thompson is […]

todayAugust 13, 2012 17

Daily Clip

Why Beat Up Lincoln? Because Rejecting His Divinity Leads Back to [r]epublicanism.

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Lincoln, aided and abetted by other designing men, ended the spirit of ’76 as a functioning part of American political philosophy, if not the American political mantra, the raison d’être that many decided that breaking from the government of Great Britain was a good idea because the peoples of this country wanted to govern themselves and didn’t appreciate being ruled from on […]

todayJuly 31, 2012 4


The DudeGear Store Is Still Open While The New Store Is Under Construction

BLAME IT ALL ON LINCOLN! Folks, thanks for all your emails concerning the missing items from the new store "The Founders Tradin' Post". We fully intended to have the new store stocked and ready when it was launched but a guy named Lincoln and What he Killed got the best of our time and resources! You can still order your favorite items from the DudeGear Store just like always by […]

todayJuly 5, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

DeceptiCONNED: Boehner Congress LEads the Planet In New Debt Created

  Oy! VA Governor McDonnell says that borrowed money, printed out of thin air helped VA balance its books in 2009 Kaufman: Ron Paul, the Thin Man cometh is either a harbinger of the future or the last gasp of an optimistic attempt to save the former DeceptiCONNED: Just as I have lamented like a broken Journey 45 skipping at "nah nah nah nah nanah", Boehner Congress blows more in […]

todayJune 4, 2012 5

Daily Clip

Why Are Secession Petitions A Naughty Term?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - How ironic is this?  You want the greatest irony of all ironies?  In the Articles of Confederation, it says that the articles, once ratified, were to make a perpetual league of friendship, I believe.  They use the word “perpetual.”  How perpetual was it when eleven of the states living under it in 1787 and 1788 seceded from it and gave it up […]

todayJune 1, 2012 14
