
26 Results / Page 3 of 3



Gutzman Interview Pt. II: 4th Amendment Abuse by McCain

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Here's a quote from Kevin Gutzman on John McCain, the Fourth Amendment, and the Incorporation Doctorine, for the rest check out today's transcript, "Let me make a point about John McCain. I mentioned earlier that this whole idea of the incorporation doctrine came to us from progressives in the early part of the 20th century. We end up getting court decisions saying that parts […]

todayDecember 21, 2012 9

Pile Of Prep

Founding Fathers Roll In Graves As McCain Backstabs Rand Paul, Strips Due Process from NDAA

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Fathers, Christmas Spirit  goodness and other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Tyranny is wonderfully ingenious in the art of inventing specious phrases to spread over its nefarious designs. 'Divine  right, kings can do no wrong,' are instance of it in Europe.  'Common defence, general welfare, federal supremacy and political […]

todayDecember 20, 2012 7


Are Johnson Voters Guilty of Electing Obama?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The question being asked in American elections these days is a rigged question. The only thing that’s left to be decided by our universal suffrage is how much of your property is going to be taken from you for public consumption. That’s not what a free people does. The question has already gone before us. We already answered the question that we do not […]

todayOctober 15, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

“Fable TV News” as in Shows & Networks is Our Political Purgatory

When you look up my new term "Fable TV News" you will find a Harry Potteresque video there with this clip from OMSNBC "debating" the "niggerization of Obama". This trivial demagoguery is what passes for "debate" giving rise to the ensuing apathy to serious deliberation 7 More dead in Afghanistan in yet another case of "we really can't say" exactly what cause the Blackhawk helicopter crash - that's some comfort […]

todayAugust 17, 2012 7

Daily Clip

Backlash From Gutzman Voting For Obama

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - I have people that are angry at me and the mail continues to flow in because Kevin Gutzman said that he voted for Obama and not McCain.  Russ Howard wants me and anyone listening to know, “So your guru votes for the greater of two evils instead of the lesser.  The only thing more idiotic than that would be to defend it.  […]

todayJune 27, 2012 4

Founders Television

How Does Voting in an Election Make You a (Non) Constitutionalist?

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Join us on today's Post Show Show as we discuss how people will try to classify you based on who you voted on in an election… even when your choices are Obama and "bomb Iraq" McCain. If you have a Founder's Pass you'll also hear Mike discussing Marco Rubio's appearance on Meet the Press this weekend where he talks […]

todayJune 25, 2012 3

Pile Of Prep

Iran: Bombed If You do; Bombed If You Don’t

Rand Paul: If anyone thinks I will bail on my principles opposing unconstitutional wars, because I endorsed Romney, you are mistaken VIDEO: Ron Paul sniffs out the war mongers getting ready to pounce on Syria without authority Editorial: ObamaCare will live on like the Zombie it is REGARDLESS of the When the US government creates a computer virus that destroys private information and property they call it heroic when a […]

todayJune 20, 2012 6


Rands Support of Sanctions Against Iran

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Show Exclusive Transcript - Check out this transcript where Sharee in TN thinks that Sen. Paul is voting for sanctions (war) on Iran and see what Mike says to set her  straight. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Sharee in Tennessee? Caller Sharee:  Correct.  You’re saying it correctly.  I’ve been listening to you, my husband and I, since 6 a.m., yelling at the radio.  Rand […]

todayJune 12, 2012 4
