insert_link Transcripts Mike Schools The Children On Accuracy And Being Gentlemen Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I’m sitting there and I’m in a very not-wealthy section of the City of New Orleans, similar to ones I’m sure you can find around where you live. I’m moved by the fact that there are these beautiful children here who someone along the way decided not to abort. I guarantee you there were economic circumstances that many of those children were born under […] todayJanuary 31, 2013 12
insert_link Liberty Blast From the Past: Ron Paul Interviewed by Mike Church in New Orleans, LA On 17 June 2011 at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, Rep. Ron Paul sat down with Mike Church to answer some questions about the debt, the ongoing wars, and the Federal Reserve just to name a few. Remember folks, this is right when the GOP race was getting started and this is Mike interviewing Dr. Paul, so not every other question is about Romney or a social issue and there's […] todayDecember 25, 2012 5
insert_link Transcripts If Letters Die, How Will the Future Know Our History? Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Here’s another article that I found, stumbled across yesterday: “Preserve Digital Letters.” This is written by a cat named Fady Zaki at something attached to Reason Magazine. This guy lives in New Zealand. This guy makes a very interesting observation. This goes out to all you 20-somethings and mid-30-somethings. When was the last time you picked up an ink pen, sat down with paper […] todayOctober 22, 2012 5
Pile Of Prep The Great, Aristocratic, Gentlemanly, Southern Tradition Goes Bye Bye With Boo Boo Honey Boo Boo make the biggest boo boo of all: normalizing white trash and continuing the assault of the Southern Tradition Machiavelli Lives: Obama jokingly castigates himself for not paying enough in taxes so he can viciously castigate Romney According to the amount of FedEx Shipments, the recession began this summer New Orleans, the City That Knowledge Forgot: N.O. tour guides claim the first Amendment protects their right to botch […] todaySeptember 24, 2012 9
insert_link Church Doctrine When Bailout Money Leads To The Biggest Bailout Of All Time When in Rome do as the Roman’s do or as we might say in 2012 Louisiana do as the Madoffs do. Last week I reported that Governor Bobby Jindal has boasted of conning the all too willing Federal Leviathan into “covering” 85% of the State’s Hurricane Isaac costs. Well not to be outdone in the mad rush for Pyhrric money, now I can wonder how the citizens of dry as […] todaySeptember 14, 2012 11
insert_link Transcripts New Orleans Is NOT Sinking Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The way to save the City of New Orleans, number one, is to blow a hole in that levee and let that water come through. It’s going to have to happen anyway. Let the silt begin to refortify the delta. If you don’t, what you have is a bowl. The next time one of those levees cracks as a result of a hurricane may […] todaySeptember 12, 2012 7
insert_link Church Doctrine Don’t Use Public Money To Buy Right Or Left Wing Fried Chicken Dinners Don’t Use Public Money To Buy Right Or Left Wing Fried Chicken Dinners - Louisiana’s one of a kind school voucher program is now in effect and judging by the howls of righteous indignation coming from the usual suspects on the left it must be working. Times Picayune columnist Jarvis deBerry informs us that “Public money is now being used to send children to private schools … and taxpayers deserve […] todayAugust 21, 2012 15
insert_link Church Doctrine New Orleans – Where The Streets Have No Pave? New Orleans - Where The Streets Have No Pave? ©2012 Mike Church The mean streets of the French Quarter are about to get a makeover courtesy of the brokest broke nation in the history of broke nations and a road building scam called “Paths to Progress” which is more appropriately titled “Paths to Insolvency”. The program promises $65 million worth of repairs1. Some of you might wonder why anyone […] todayJuly 16, 2012 22
insert_link Church Doctrine Jonathan Vilma… Federalist? Jonathan Vilma-Federalist? ©2012 Mike Church When Who Dats ask me why I persist in promoting and explaining Louisiana as a sovereign state and the “federalism” that comes along with our voluntary membership in the union, I will now answer: Johnathan Vilma. Vilma, the beleagured New Orleans Saints player is suing NFL commish Roger Goodell for defaming his character without providing proof of the slur. Goodell’s response is that Vilma […] todayJuly 11, 2012 4
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757