Pile Of Prep The Last [r]epublican, Gore Vidal, RIP Gore Vidal played the the professor who lectured Joe Pesci on the Constitution in "With Honors", he was one of the U.S.'s great men of letters He would return us, if possible, to the pure republicanism of early America - Jay Parini on Vidal's "Selected Essays" Randerference: Rand Paul, in his greatest feat of political navigation yet, guides Paulbots to Romney while beefing up the Tea Party VIDEO: Ron Paul's […] todayAugust 3, 2012 21
Pile Of Prep When Chicken Becomes Scott Brown- Chick Fil-A Will “do it” for Conservatives, Like Scott Brown Did Chick Fil-a protests: "An experience of community that you rarely have these days" - sums up the reports flowing in from around the US of A What "Support Chick Fil-a Day" REALLY means: 10 million people, tired of being told that the way they think is a crime against PeeCee humanity, struck a blow for free expression, regulated by Christian doctrine FLASHBACK: Clint Eastwood doesn't give a ****** about gay […] todayAugust 2, 2012 10
insert_link Daily Clip Mitt “Macho Man” Romney Headed Away From Founders Mandeville, LA -Exclusive Audio and Transcript - If I were the Romney campaign, I would just bail on this macho man. If you listen to the speech at the VFW the other day, the only thing missing was Governor Romney walking out on the stage to Macho Man by Village People. It is not too much of a stretch to envision Romney pulling a Dukakis and showing up at some […] todayJuly 26, 2012 11
Pile Of Prep When Big Box Retailers Attack: CostCo Shacks Up With Obama-Biden 2012 Costco CEO says Obama "...understands that small businesses grow and prosper because of individual initiative—because entrepreneurs like you and me do the hard work it takes"-I didn't know CostCo sold medical marijuana AFTER mgmnt samples it WaPo's Milbank: Romney can't have his MIC cake and eat it to- the "military" will have to be cut alongside the "welfare" or else accept a tax increase. I am a promoter of the […] todayJuly 26, 2012 18
insert_link Latest Opposing Unconstitutional Wars Opposing Unconstitutional Wars By Sen. Rand Paul Much has been speculated and written since my endorsement of Mitt Romney for president. Many in the liberty movement and my longtime supporters wondered if, as a result of endorsing someone for office, I would stand up to them when they went astray. The question to me is as strange as the answer is simple: Yes, strongly. Every time. I have always […] todayJune 20, 2012 11
Pile Of Prep Iran: Bombed If You do; Bombed If You Don’t Rand Paul: If anyone thinks I will bail on my principles opposing unconstitutional wars, because I endorsed Romney, you are mistaken VIDEO: Ron Paul sniffs out the war mongers getting ready to pounce on Syria without authority Editorial: ObamaCare will live on like the Zombie it is REGARDLESS of the When the US government creates a computer virus that destroys private information and property they call it heroic when a […] todayJune 20, 2012 6
Pile Of Prep What Could Possibly Go Wrong? WaTimes Demands Saber Rattling at Iran Brad Birzer: What are we to preserve and are we worthy of the men of 1774, 1776, 1787 & 1791? (Brad says some really nice things about yours truly as well) There are examples of incredible work being done all around us. In his integrity, purpose, and intelligence, Mike Church puts every other conservative talk show host to shame. Andy McCarthy wonders if ANYONE other than himself and the Mike […] todayJune 19, 2012 4
Pile Of Prep The Obama Implosion Myth-It’s June And Libs Are on Vacation-War Begins in August Poll claims Obama is losing the black vote-FAST, Hi falootin' Dumbocarts want the "Change" message TO change Flashback: Bruce Willis "Everybody wants to be Barack Obama and what did he change?" Tell the seas, the sick and the unemployed that Obama's Major Speech Pt 2, is scheduled for tomorrow if they're up for an encore of not rising, finding jobs and getting health insurance TIC: M.E. Bradford pens a biography […] todayJune 14, 2012 6
insert_link Transcripts Rands Support of Sanctions Against Iran Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Show Exclusive Transcript - Check out this transcript where Sharee in TN thinks that Sen. Paul is voting for sanctions (war) on Iran and see what Mike says to set her straight. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Sharee in Tennessee? Caller Sharee: Correct. You’re saying it correctly. I’ve been listening to you, my husband and I, since 6 a.m., yelling at the radio. Rand […] todayJune 12, 2012 4
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757