Pile Of Prep Media Claims Jan Brewers E.O is “Controversial” Giving a Pass to the E.O. From Dear Leader That Prompted It From today's show discussion that I call "Libertarians rule the Earth while Paleo/TradCONS rule prison camps" (I was on the Paleo side) here is Russell Kirk's essay "Chirping Sectaries" detailing why Conservatives will never be Libertarians - Libertarians_chirping_sectaries_Russell_Kirk Was the world improved by free discussion of the Nazis’ thesis that Jews ought to be treated as less than human? - Russell Kirk Judge Napolitano: What an unenviable position conservative & libertarian […] todayAugust 16, 2012 5
Pile Of Prep Obama/Biden 2012, Not Just for Chain Gangs Anymore Video: Biden says Romney will "put y'all back in chains", Andrea Saul responds using multi-syllable words and no hysterics, I wonder where Ann Coulter is to say "Saul snatched defeat from the jaws of slavery" Calling Al Sharpton: George Zimmerman is now out of money and his attorneys are ready to walk, will you come do a fundraiser for him now Rev Al? From the Ann Coulter School for gung-ho […] todayAugust 15, 2012 12
insert_link Daily Clip Ryan Doesn’t Make Romney Conservative Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - What exactly is conservative about voting for TARP, about the GM/Chrysler bailout, about voting for the Medicare Part D, voting for and supporting afterwards the “No Child Gets an Education” Act and supporting endeavors in federal education? These things are all patently unconstitutional. I will give anyone credit for saying if the choice is between doing a buttload of harm with Obama/Biden […] todayAugust 13, 2012 3
Pile Of Prep UK Finishes Olympics In Statist Style-Feautures Lennon’s “Imagine” VIDEO: Would you like to see Red Sox vs yankees, Rd vs Blue, the putrid argument ad nauseum you will hear 5,000.000 times between now and Nov 7th? Watch these two cherub looking pundits Lowry and Maddow yell it out over $700 billion in Medicare cuts Chalk up Fox News local affiliate #5 that is airing my "Johnathan Vilma-Federalist" series of video commentaries. Thank you Michigan! "Mention the Medicare trustees' […] todayAugust 13, 2012 9
Pile Of Prep DeceptiCONS Cry on Ann’s Coulter Google fined $22 MILLION by FTC.The Leviathan makes the rules then decides who to enforce them against then collects the fines, ummm where does the google fine money actually go? The "Fire Andrea Saul crowd, hoists their Ann Coulter for President flags, puts on the DeceptiCON war paint and saves fake conservatism from itself - or do they? Fire Andrea fever is here and here and here Imagine if Romney […] todayAugust 10, 2012 4
insert_link Transcripts Founders Were Just As Unhappy With Gubbmint As We Are Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Don’t feed me this crap that we’re the first generation and we have it worse than anyone else. I guarantee you that those that lived to the 1820’s that were of the founding generation, many of them if not almost all of them went to their graves believing that the end was near, that they had totally screwed up and botched it, and that […] todayAugust 9, 2012 13
Pile Of Prep We Like War, We Like War Because We’re Good At It-Romney Rumored to Favor Patraeus as Veep "We like war! And we like war because we're good at it!" - Romney is rumored to be courting Gen. David Patraeus in the Veepstakes "Veto the Farm Bill and watch drought take the farms!? NEVER!" How Grover Cleveland vetoed farm spending during a DROUGHT, preserved the gold standard and free markets TIC: The status of our "wars" shows just how sick the "Republic" truly is and we can look […] todayAugust 8, 2012 8
Pile Of Prep SOLD OUT: Boehner Brokers New “Spending Deal” With Harry Reid Angry White Male makes a comeback as Romney notices 20 point lead among white voters Michael Phelps becomes the most decorated medalist in Olympic history putting an eerie, temporary, kibosh on the US's slog into redistribution Jack Hunter points out that the Libertarian movement has a nasty habit of eating its young, eschewing political victories that come with requisite compromises DeceptiCONNED, there's no A in Boehner: The Tan Man makes […] todayAugust 1, 2012 12
insert_link Transcripts Romney World Tour Better Spent in US Dismantling Empire and Fixing Debt Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - So Romney gallivanting across the globe, to me, is nothing more than a sop. This is an homage to Bill Kristol and all of those decepticons over there, to think that we can remake the world in our own image. They just need to see Governor Romney over there practicing remaking the world, which is why your question is a good one. Why is […] todayJuly 31, 2012 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757