insert_link Daily Clip Secession Should Happen and It Should Be On Our Terms Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - If you don’t want to be a citizen of the world, if you’re tired of being told you have to subscribe to the UN’s Agenda 21 and this, that and the other from the United Nations and the European Union and all that stuff, then get out of it. Lead the way. Of course, the Constitution, that glorious document, provides us all […] todayOctober 11, 2012 11
insert_link Daily Clip Every Clue We Have Says To Rethink The Union Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - We sit here and think that we can save this union as it is and we can fix this. I keep asking the question: for what purpose? Why do you want to fix it? Can you tell me why? If you can’t get to the why, and I don’t believe that many people can, then can you get to the why of […] todaySeptember 20, 2012 5
insert_link Latest Please Consider an Investment In Exposing The Mythology of Lincoln With a “What Lincoln Killed” CD Set Mandeville LA - Was it something I said? I am convinced that "What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I" is the most entertaining, funny AND historically relevant movie I ever produced. Pray tell what I can do to convince fans that it is a worthy investment in both your History & Entertainment collections? Founding Father Films makes these features at great expense because we remain convinced there is a market for them. Please […] todaySeptember 7, 2012 13
insert_link Latest Vermonters Ally With the Like Minded For Secession & Follow The Founding Fathers Path The Montpelier Manifesto by Thomas H. Naylor, Kirkpatrick Sale, James Starkey, and Charles Keil Petition of Grievances We, citizens of this American land, haunted by the nihilism of separation, meaninglessness, and powerlessness, subsumed by political elites who use corporate, state, and military power to manipulate our lives, pawns of a global system of dominance and deceit in which transnational megacompanies and big government control us through money, markets, and media, […] todaySeptember 4, 2012 10
Latest If It Was Not Granted Then it Was Reserved – Why The Lincolnistas Are Wrong Mandeville, LA - Noah Millman posts at the American Conservative Magazine in part: "If the secessionist cause is to be justified in the Declaration’s terms, it must make one of two claims. Either there are no “political bands” of note to dissolve – the Union is a mere compact among sovereign entities, that any party may depart from at will. Or, if those bands are granted to exist, the election […] todayAugust 20, 2012 11
insert_link Listeners Lounge If At First you Don’t Secede… “ST*U” and Promote Ryan Romney! Mandeville, LA - From time to time, oh ok, 16 times a day we receive email and comments on this site that are not so flattering or approving. Occasionally someone posts something that we think other visitors and members in support of our efforts should see and be able to respond to (as Mike did) in this example. We wonder what inspires men like Bruce B. to take time from […] todayAugust 20, 2012 11
insert_link Daily Clip When Northerners Talk Secession They are Thoughtful and Open-Minded Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - I love finding all this common ground here now with these damn Yankees that all of a sudden can’t seem to force feed enough liberalism down the throats of Southerners, now they don’t want anything to do with us. That’s what Chuck Thompson at is writing about here. He doesn’t want to make government our common cause anymore, and neither does […] todayAugust 14, 2012 6
Listeners Lounge Secession is AOK as Long as Northerners Are The Ones Promoting It – Just Like WLK’s Story Mandeville, LA - The plot lines of "What Lincoln Killed-Episode I" detail the NORTHERN states attempts to secede and form a Northern Confederation during the Jefferson & Adams Administrations. As I point out in WLK, 45 years later the sons of Madison & Jefferson (figuratively speaking) actually went though with their secession acts which impelled northern states to boil over with 70 years of pent up frustration. Chuck Thompson is […] todayAugust 13, 2012 17
insert_link Founders Corner Hello Straw, My Name’s CNN, & I’m Here To Grasp At You (The REAL History of USA/Anglo Saxon) Mandeville, LA - The Parrot Press Corps has outdone itself this time, ambushing an unsuspecting Mitt Romney for uttering the words "Anglo-Saxon" in a positive manner. Romney pledged to ease the icy tension between Great Britain and the U.S. *(he might just want to jot down UK specs for DVD's & CD's) after Obama's famous slight (a gift of DVD's that won't play on EU DVD players). The Telegraph UK, […] todayJuly 25, 2012 8
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757