
6014 Results / Page 604 of 669


Pile Of Prep

DECEPTICONNED-And so it begins, Romney Ron Paul’s plan would “cost a lot of people their jobs”

DECEPTICONNED: And so it begins: Romney begins the long, predictable process of informing the country that deficit spending "grows the economy" and Ron Paul's plan would "cost a lot of people their jobs" " "My job is to get America back on track to have a balanced budget. Now I'm not going to cut $1 trillion in the first year" The Paul "Restore America" plan is here "My job is to get America […]

todayMay 9, 2012 3

Pile Of Prep

Defending The Bake Sale Cash Cow Is No Substitute For Defending Junkfood Liberty

The state of  Taxachussetts bans sale of all baked good items at ALL schools and looks to extending the ban statewide; I wonder if Twinkies & Moonpies are legal in IRAN? Is the junk food ban the fault of RomneyCare's expensive and ultimately unsustainable commitment to provide health insurance to all? - MC Of course worldwide, non-stop abortions and the morality (or lack of) it requires produces will NEVER lead […]

todayMay 8, 2012 1

Pile Of Prep

Amazon Tax Deals Set Off Quest For National Sales Tax aka Internet Freedom Is In Peril

TN Governor makes deal with amazon for sales taxes but sets his sights on a national tax, Thanks! Obama launches campaign and only half the Life of Julia fans show up Andy McCarthy: The Blind Sheik Case (1993 WTC bomber) could not be prosecuted effectively today because of our compulsory blindness and surrender to jihad Steyn: Life of Julia is just another composite girlfriend for Obama and Elizabeth Warren is […]

todayMay 7, 2012 9

Pile Of Prep

Austrian School Economist Jim Grant: If I had $118 Million in Dollars I’d Buy The Van Gogh Too

TIC: What is the proper role of military in a REPUBLIC? The answer will surprise the DeceptiCON but please the [r]epublican Ron Paul at 76 years old, continues his youthful campaign for Liberty & the Constitution, speaking to massive crowds in CA James Grant of Grant's Interest Rate Observer says that if he had $118 million dollar bills he would happily trade them for the Van Gogh "Scream" painting which […]

todayMay 4, 2012 5

Pile Of Prep

Gingrich Gives Back of Hand: Romney Isn’t As Good As Me But Still Better Than Obama

In what must be the most overachieving moment in recent politics history, Newt bows out without bowing out without endorsing Romney and without backing off his publicly financed Moon Base Is anyone at the Romney campaign listening? Obama has upper hand on foreign policy and none of Romney's attacks make a dent (which is why Mitt should be listening to Ron Paul) Freedom has another strand of the rope it […]

todayMay 3, 2012 2


Prof. Clyde Wilson Defends & Defines “A Little Rebellion”

Mandeville, LA - I have with great energy read and re-read Prof. Clyde Wilson's essays available online. Essays that move the real freedom loving journeyman to action in words and deeds. In this excerpt from the Nov., 2011 issue of Chronicles Magazine  (a great mag to subscribe to!) Prof. Wilson lays out the best case for what the American Revolution produced I have ever read. One cannot help but feel compelled […]

todayMay 2, 2012 13

Pile Of Prep

Obama Doubles Down on Commercializing bin Laden Anniversary With Prime Time End Zone Dance

Not content to have Bill Clinton cut 3 minute long advermercials for the bin Laden touchdown dance, our Dear Leader parachutes into Baghram, Afghanistan to boast of his kill in prime-time Fox News poll shows nearly EIGHTY PER CENT of American sheople approve of getting out of Afghanistan now... is Governor Romney listening? VIDEO: OMSNBC asks smelly Occupier where he has been this winter, only to discover he was resting […]

todayMay 1, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

Feds To Texas: Obey Your Federal Overlords & Help Kill Those Babies Like We Told You

Federal Judge rules that Texas MUST provide funding for "women's health care" program that funds Planned Parenthood-Wack: Judge says "free speech" rights violated by TEXAS law VIDEO: Ron Paul vs Paul Krugman allegedly debate economics. Krugman spends his time telling fairy tales about miracle bankers while Paul argues the history and facts of the Fed I knew it: Two hack political scientists spend millions of 501c3 slush to prove that […]

todayApril 30, 2012 10

Founders Quotes

Lord Acton – Secession

I saw in State Rights the only availing check upon the absolutism of the sovereign will, and secession filled me with hope, not as the destruction but as the redemption of Democracy. Lord Acton Defending the states right to secede and form their own governments

todayApril 30, 2012 3
