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Obey Your Federal, er… STATE Overlords!!!

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Last week, New Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled that the state government can force a wedding photographer to take photographs of a gay wedding, even though the photographer holds the view that marriage is between one man and one woman, and even though New Mexico doesn’t even perform same-sex marriages.  Read the transcript for more...   Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  This is just unbelievable. [reading] Last week, New Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled that […]

todayJune 14, 2012 23

Pile Of Prep

The Obama Implosion Myth-It’s June And Libs Are on Vacation-War Begins in August

Poll claims Obama is losing the black vote-FAST, Hi falootin' Dumbocarts want the "Change" message TO change Flashback: Bruce Willis "Everybody wants to be Barack Obama and what did he change?" Tell the seas, the sick and the unemployed that Obama's Major Speech Pt 2, is scheduled for tomorrow if they're up for an encore of not rising, finding jobs and getting health insurance TIC: M.E. Bradford pens a biography of that fieriest of all fiery patriots Sam Adams Slick […]

todayJune 14, 2012 7


Bill Maher Correct For First Time In His Life: On American Exceptionalism

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - So Bill Maher gets one right on the fact that we need to get over the idea of "American Exceptionalism", or at least the idea that we have to be the policemen of the world, and everyone at Fox News goes haywire.  Everyone starts chanting USA and wants Governor Romney to start bombing the Middle East back to the stone age.  Well if that's your idea of "American Exceptionalism" then maybe you should actually […]

todayJune 12, 2012 18

Daily Clip

Middle Class Has Been Getting Clobbered Since the 70’s

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - The great tragedy of the last 40 years has been the nonstop orchestrated destruction of the basis of the currency.  That’s the story here.  It’s that the currency is still being debased.  Because it’s being debased, unless you’re earning more of those debased dollars every time they become debased, then you’re not keeping up.  The way the American public has kept its “standard of living” at pace with the debasement of the […]

todayJune 12, 2012 5


Rands Support of Sanctions Against Iran

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Show Exclusive Transcript - Check out this transcript where Sharee in TN thinks that Sen. Paul is voting for sanctions (war) on Iran and see what Mike says to set her  straight. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Sharee in Tennessee? Caller Sharee:  Correct.  You’re saying it correctly.  I’ve been listening to you, my husband and I, since 6 a.m., yelling at the radio.  Rand Paul voted for sanctions in May.  It was reported on […]

todayJune 12, 2012 4

Founders Television

What Incentive Could Ron Paul Possibly Have To Endorse Mitt Romney?

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Check out today's Post Show Show where Mike discusses Tom Woods imploring Ron Paul to NOT endorse Mitt Romney and what incentive would Paul have FOR endorsing Romney? He also discusses American Exceptionalism from an unlikely source... Bill Maher. Check out the free preview for more, and if you have a Founder's Pass you can listen to the entire show.

todayJune 12, 2012 5

Daily Clip

Conservatives Have Conserved the Spirit of Free Enterprise

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - I would say that we have successfully kept alive at least the ethos of free enterprise.  As long as that seed is there, as long as that plant is there, and as long as they haven’t damaged that, then there is always hope.  What I mean by the ethos, it’s just the mindset that you don’t always, even though there are many sheeple that are brainwashed otherwise or have been propagandized otherwise, but still, […]

todayJune 12, 2012 2

Pile Of Prep

Would Murray Rothbard Tell Today’s “2 Evils” Voters To Choose Romney?

VIDEO: Tom Woods implores Ron Paul to NOT endorse Mitt Romney FLASHBACK: What would Libertarian icon & hero Murray Rothbard do with the Romney/Obama vote? Most likely, cash the checks and then vote for the lesser of two evils BROKEN CLOCKS & BILL MAHER-Being right twice a day is no badge of achievement but Bill Maher actually gets one right on "American Exceptionalism" The front page of American Spectator bears the likeness of your most kind and gracious host over […]

todayJune 12, 2012 5

Founders Television

Rubio is Conservatives Top Pick For Romney’s Running Mate!?

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Check out today's Post Show Show podcast free preview where Mike discusses the obsession that the Decepticons have with Rubio.  If you think Romney has a crazy foreign policy, well he gets it from guys like Rubio.  Check out the free preview for more on Romney/Rubio and if you have a Founder's Pass you can listen to the entire show where Mike breaks down Rand Paul endorsing Romney.   […]

todayJune 11, 2012 12
