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Pile Of Prep

Congressman: Drone Strikes Carry Out Righteousness & Goodness Even With Collateral Damage

VIDEO: What do Libertarians think about Rand Paul's embrace/endorsement of Romney? Watch... Obama campaign's data mining machine is both a marvel and a danger Politico: What Rand Paul's endorsement of Romney means?It means what I told you it meant, Rand is not a libertarian crank anymore Mark Steyn: Obama the celebrity President charges more for an audience with his subjects than the Queen does Dumbocrats in Wi still think their public employee union is a winning issue VIDEO: The grand […]

todayJune 11, 2012 3


Why Marty the Cop Must Remain Vigilant of Rand Paul After Romney Endorsement

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Rand just became a lot more powerful.  Let me repeat, with that action of endorsing Governor Romney last night, Rand became a lot more powerful.  He is now a lot more difficult to dismiss as some ideological Libertarian crank.  That’s a good thing.  Let’s look for the glass half full.  Just know, Rand, I’m watching you.  If we don’t keep our eyes and we don’t hold noses and shoulders to proverbial grindstones, they tend […]

todayJune 8, 2012 14

Daily Clip

Why We Should Never Accept The Welfare State

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - I do not have to accept the point of view that we’re stuck with the welfare state.  I don’t and I’m not going to.  I’m going to go to my grave living, eating, sleeping and breathing exactly what we do here every day, and I hope you are too.  No, I will never accept your welfare state.  You compel me by force of guns and threat of imprisonment to live in it, […]

todayJune 8, 2012 5

Pile Of Prep

Judge Napolitano: Welcome To My World-The Sheople Do Not Care About Their Civil Liberties

Judge Andrew Napolitano asks "Where is the outrage" over the impending use of drones to spy on American citizens. He may do better asking his employer where the outrage is. Would Network new BENEFIT or suffer from thousands f news stories generated by DRONE RECONNAISSANCE? 24% now think the right to secede is legal - wow, its 100% legal for Soviets and Sudanese, nice to see Kentuckians catching up! Rand Paul and Mitt Romney as a match made in Right […]

todayJune 8, 2012 2

Daily Clip

Romneys Economic Experience Doesn’t Matter… The Constitution Is All That Matters

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Mitt Romney is using his success at Bain as the reason as to why he would make a good chief executive, so why shouldn't people knock him for it?  But you know what really matters? The one and only thing that matters in this election? The Constitution. Does Romney have any experience in defending it? Where is his résumé when it comes to defending liberty?  Check out today's audio and transcript for […]

todayJune 7, 2012 11

Founders Television

Gas Consumption and Petroleum Use Hit 20 Year Lows

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video -Today on the Post Show Show Mike talks about BernYankMe, Gas and petroleum usage, intellectual honesty in America politics, and much much more. Become a Founder's Pass member to listen to the entire show and watch the Post Show Show!  

todayJune 7, 2012 5


The Best Case For Free Labor & Capital A Unionist Ever Heard

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - In today's transcript Caller Joe berates Mike for being anti-union and tries to convince Mike that people who invest their time in a company (not investing capital or for a paycheck) are the ones that the company and unions should take care of.  Sounds like a lot of collectivism to me Joe.  Check out the transcript for more.   Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Joe is in Pennsylvania on a Wednesday, Mike Church […]

todayJune 7, 2012 12

Founders Corner

The Lee Resolution, 7 June, 1776 “These United Colonies Are …Free & Independent”

Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1776 The committee to whom was referred the letter from Eseck Hopkins, commodore of the continental fleet, dated Providence, May 22d, brought in their report, which, being taken into consideration, was agreed to; Whereupon, Resolved, That Mr. Charles Walker, of New Providence, ought to be paid the value of the sloopEndeavour, together with four tons of lignum vital, and one hundred cedar posts, taken by the said commodore, for the use […]

todayJune 7, 2012 8

Pile Of Prep

So Investors Will Sink Their Paper Notes in When BernYankMe Puts The Next Generations IOU’s In!?

Perverts: So "Investors" will sink their paper notes in when Bernyankme puts the next generations IOU's in!? Sick. "Global stocks extended their biggest rally of the year amid rising hopes of further market-boosting stimulus measures by policy makers, as Asian equities surged to their best gains for more than two months." NoCovery Summer: Gas consumption and petroleum use hit 20 year lows Bankrupted by Unions & Gubbmint employees: Two cities in CA decide they want to keep their money and mow their own […]

todayJune 7, 2012 7
