Church Doctrine

269 Results / Page 21 of 30


Church Doctrine

Give a Parasite a Free Cellphone and He

Give a Parasite a Free Cellphone and Hell Call his Peeps-On YOUR Dime2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Give a man a cellphone and he can call his peeps. Teach a man to fleece taxpayers to pay for the cellphone and he can call his peeps and the beer and barbecue are on him. What is called the Universal Service Fund does provide the parasite class […]

todayAugust 4, 2011 3

Church Doctrine

The Tea Party

The Tea Partys Debt Ceiling Victory, A Victory For Big Brother2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.In the great debate over the debt ceiling a winner has certainly emerged and that winner is the Tea Party, but the Tea Party is victorious not for what the New Deck Chair Party - The NDCP - accomplished but for what has been learned ABOUT the NDCP.The NDCP presented […]

todayAugust 2, 2011 10

Church Doctrine

Did the sheeple of the Roman Empire Ever Wake Up?

Did the sheeple of the Roman Empire Ever Wake Up?2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Heres a question for you: do you think the sheople of the Roman Empire ever woke up? I ask this question because the minuscule portion of Roman history that we are still teaching uses the phrase the Fall of the Roman Empire. Thus, that Empires collapse is couched in terms that […]

todayAugust 1, 2011 9

Church Doctrine

The 1960

The 1960s-Hippies, Flowers And The Invention Of Paint Brushes by Congress2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineRepresentative Jim McDermott was on OMSNBC yesterday talking about cutting federal spending. From the sound of McDermotts cry it would have been easy for the uninformed to believe he were prepping the audience for a late night creature feature double feature, the only thing missing was some black robes, fangs […]

todayJuly 29, 2011 6

Church Doctrine

The Dream of Actually Shutting Down the Federal Government

2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.If the federal government shuts down today what will actually happen? Will the Federal Leviathan stop racking up trillions in debt this year? No. Will those who are furloughed return to their subsidized by the American taxpayer jobs with full pay and full benefits for the rest of their lives? Yes.Will American troops stationed in 134 bases around the world […]

todayJuly 28, 2011 6

Church Doctrine

Critics of Ron Paul Expose Themselves as Constitutional Neophytes

Critics of Ron Paul Expose Themselves as Constitutional Neophytes2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.They say you have arrived when your critics feel the need to oppose you to help define themselves. Well using that definition, Congressman turned Presidential candidate Ron Paul has indeed arrived. It was just last Sunday that Chris Wallace invited the man once referred to as a gadfly to be on Fox […]

todayJuly 27, 2011 3

Church Doctrine

Best of: The Economic Ice-age Cometh

Austrian Consensus: The Economic Ice Age Cometh 2011 Mike Church Hi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine I can remember just a few years ago that the productive people of the United States faced a green menace which came in the form of a so called consensus view on global warming. This view held that evil, despicable men had generated quadrillions of unacceptable tons of Co2 which was […]

todayJuly 25, 2011 6

Church Doctrine

Best of: Will Grandma Getting Groped by TSA become Blessing or Curse?

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]WILL GRANDMA GETTING TSA GROPED BECOME A BLESSING OR A CURSE?2011 Mike ChurchHey Folks Mike Church here with Todays Church Doctrine WILL GRANDMA GETTING TSA GROPED BECOME A BLESSING OR A CURSE? The Church Doctrine is on, right after this.A mouthpiece for the Orwellian arm of the aerial police state-the TSA-informs us that a 95 year old grandmother, diagnosed with level 4 leukemia, somehow triggered an alarm at the […]

todayJuly 22, 2011 12

Church Doctrine

Best of the C-Doc: Come Join Me Comrade in the USSA

Nu, prisoedinit?sya ko mne commrade(Come, join me Comrade)2011 Mike ChurchHi folks it's Mike Church with Today's Church DoctrineI have one very simple question to ask today: What took the "experts" at Standard & Poor's so long to finally announce to the financial world what most Americans already knew: The United States' Federal Leviathan is BROKE and it is getting more indebted by the hour. The timeliness of S&P's threat to […]

todayJuly 21, 2011 4
