Pile Of Prep What Could Possibly Go Wrong? WaTimes Demands Saber Rattling at Iran Brad Birzer: What are we to preserve and are we worthy of the men of 1774, 1776, 1787 & 1791? (Brad says some really nice things about yours truly as well) There are examples of incredible work being done all around us. In his integrity, purpose, and intelligence, Mike Church puts every other conservative talk show host to shame. Andy McCarthy wonders if ANYONE other than himself and the Mike […] todayJune 19, 2012 4
Pile Of Prep ObamaBot Zombies Revolt After “Is It Over Yet” Speech in OH Today Obama is negotiating a [formerly] secret treaty that trades American law for international law on the internet- Rep Issa is so alarmed he has leaked the text of the document in question - Ron Wyden is equally hopping mad Obama speech in Ohio scores at the 7th grade level for comprehension, 10th grade on the comparison scale, this is a slight improvement from his SOU scores so Obama the wordsmith […] todayJune 15, 2012 3
Pile Of Prep The Obama Implosion Myth-It’s June And Libs Are on Vacation-War Begins in August Poll claims Obama is losing the black vote-FAST, Hi falootin' Dumbocarts want the "Change" message TO change Flashback: Bruce Willis "Everybody wants to be Barack Obama and what did he change?" Tell the seas, the sick and the unemployed that Obama's Major Speech Pt 2, is scheduled for tomorrow if they're up for an encore of not rising, finding jobs and getting health insurance TIC: M.E. Bradford pens a biography […] todayJune 14, 2012 3
Pile Of Prep Would Murray Rothbard Tell Today’s “2 Evils” Voters To Choose Romney? VIDEO: Tom Woods implores Ron Paul to NOT endorse Mitt Romney FLASHBACK: What would Libertarian icon & hero Murray Rothbard do with the Romney/Obama vote? Most likely, cash the checks and then vote for the lesser of two evils BROKEN CLOCKS & BILL MAHER-Being right twice a day is no badge of achievement but Bill Maher actually gets one right on "American Exceptionalism" The front page of American Spectator bears […] todayJune 12, 2012 4
Pile Of Prep Congressman: Drone Strikes Carry Out Righteousness & Goodness Even With Collateral Damage VIDEO: What do Libertarians think about Rand Paul's embrace/endorsement of Romney? Watch... Obama campaign's data mining machine is both a marvel and a danger Politico: What Rand Paul's endorsement of Romney means?It means what I told you it meant, Rand is not a libertarian crank anymore Mark Steyn: Obama the celebrity President charges more for an audience with his subjects than the Queen does Dumbocrats in Wi still think their […] todayJune 11, 2012 2
Pile Of Prep Judge Napolitano: Welcome To My World-The Sheople Do Not Care About Their Civil Liberties Judge Andrew Napolitano asks "Where is the outrage" over the impending use of drones to spy on American citizens. He may do better asking his employer where the outrage is. Would Network new BENEFIT or suffer from thousands f news stories generated by DRONE RECONNAISSANCE? 24% now think the right to secede is legal - wow, its 100% legal for Soviets and Sudanese, nice to see Kentuckians catching up! Rand […] todayJune 8, 2012 2
Pile Of Prep So Investors Will Sink Their Paper Notes in When BernYankMe Puts The Next Generations IOU’s In!? Perverts: So "Investors" will sink their paper notes in when Bernyankme puts the next generations IOU's in!? Sick. "Global stocks extended their biggest rally of the year amid rising hopes of further market-boosting stimulus measures by policy makers, as Asian equities surged to their best gains for more than two months." NoCovery Summer: Gas consumption and petroleum use hit 20 year lows Bankrupted by Unions & Gubbmint employees: Two cities in CA decide […] todayJune 7, 2012 7
Pile Of Prep WI Election: Banshee Woman & Union hacks OUT Fiscal Sanity IN Walker Wins BIG in WI! - How many days before we see "Dear leader" chumming up to Union Bosses, reassuring them that their place at the Federal trough is secure Last train to Brokesville: Obama's budget busting spending spree is not an item that can be debated as this story and the attendant statistics show Dear Leader's Palace is working overtime (for the 1st time) cranking out propaganda responses for […] todayJune 6, 2012 11
Pile Of Prep Obama “Invests” in Health Care Solyndras Making Fraulein Sebelius the Investment Czar Wisconsin is either going to send the plundering "public employee union" class back to Mordor from whence they crawled out or will live under their parasitic rule until they are forced to leave Unenumerated Madness: Obama's HHS henchwoman- Herr Sebilius is now INVESTING BILLIONS in the health care e1quivalent of Solyndra. Q: WIll repeal & replace Republicans repeal THAT? If Dear Leader can't earn your vote by upholding the Constitution maybe […] todayJune 5, 2012 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1660
The CRUSADE Channel & Mike Church Show Achieve Milestone of Episode 2,000! Celebrate “Y2K-D” With Us!
The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy