
1980 Results / Page 150 of 220



Increase In Community Can Lead To A Decrease In Government

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Angelo Codevilla had written about how the elites, whether they’re Democrats or Republicans, pretty much all go to the same schools, live in or near the same cities, attend the same parties, go to the same functions. Most of these functions and events we’re describing here and talking about are not attended by people like us, people that might go to a Tea Party […]

todayMay 13, 2013 23


Does Benghazi Equal Impeachment?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You know why McCain doesn’t think that Obama has committed an impeachable offense, because McCain would use the same kind of force were he president, had he been elected president. You would do this without even thinking. McCain is the one running around ginning up another war that we can enjoy the fun of getting involved in in Syria. Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayMay 13, 2013 24


Bernanke Continues To Build Up The Economy For A Crash

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – That’s what’s so depressing about this. You want to look at this and believe that our almighty federal overlord magical economic masters have this under control and there’s not going to be a drop off, and that roller coaster climb will just continue ad infinitum, on into infinity, never stop. We all know where this is going to end. Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayMay 10, 2013 11


2nd Amendment Fight Isn’t The End, It’s The Wake-Up Call To Rethinking The Union

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – When the Constitution was ratified, the guy who actually wrote the “We the people” script and actually wrote the four original parchment paper pages that hold the original text of the original Constitution, Gouverneur Morris, he went to his grave convinced that his grandchildren would not live in an American Union consecrated under a Constitution. It is nothing short of an absolute miracle or […]

todayMay 10, 2013 10


Social Security Is A Giant Ponzi Scheme – The Money’s Been Spent!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you need any more proof, as if you needed it, that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, and that there is no trust fund, and that the trust fund was squandered and used in real time decades ago, here you go. It’s contained in the story. If the immigration bill the Gang of Eight is proposing is passed, it could provide a boost, […]

todayMay 9, 2013 21



Patrick Henry – Patriot, Pontificator And Bibliophile

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Hayes actually went to Red Hill, which is where Henry lived and died, and asked permission of the family and the curator of the family estate and found Henry’s own diaries and the logs that Patrick Henry used to catalog his possessions. Back in those days, if you had books, books were like -- what would you compare a book to today? A book […]

todayMay 9, 2013 15


Dr. Eric Helps Us Unravel The Web That Is Medicare And Medicaid

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Caller Eric: A hospital may charge, say $140,000 and get paid $12,000, because Medicaid and Medicare set a fee schedule and say: Hospital, here’s your $12,000 for a total knee. You figure out how to make money. The rest of that charge is not allowed to be passed onto the patient by law. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayMay 9, 2013 16


Unauthorized, Undeclared Wars Go Back Much Farther Than Obama Or Bush

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You can’t have a conversation about Libya, in my humble estimation, without having a conversation about the abuse of executive power and about the dereliction of duty on the part of the members of the House of Representin’ and the Senate who no longer conduct any foreign policy and who no longer can even bring themselves to vote on whether or not we ought […]

todayMay 9, 2013 18


The Quest For Equality Leads To Radical Autonomy And Mass Murderers

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’ve talked on this show in the past about a term that a colleague had coined: radical autonomy. It’s pretty much the same thing. Most people today are radically autonomous. There is no higher authority other than your own conscience. The only higher authority we have is the blind, relentless, silly, and I think misguided pursuit of total equality. You’ll never achieve it. It […]

todayMay 8, 2013 9
