
1980 Results / Page 211 of 220



Why Add The 47% Untaxed to "The Base" Instead Of Emancipating All?

[mp3t track='19102011_Transcript1_Emancipate_the_53percent_instead_of_making_the%20_47percent_pay.mp3']So it would seem to me, its just little old me sitting here, saying that I dont want to increase anyones taxes. I dont want to expand the tax base. I want to shrink the tax base. I dont think people should be paying many federal taxes, if any at all. You want to go back to some kind of excises, duties, and impost and leave it there. Eliminate, […]

todayOctober 19, 2011 7


The Unemployed Are Unemployed By Choice

[mp3t track='10102011_Transcript2_Unemployed_choose_unemployment.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptExclusive Audio & Transcript - Mandeville, LA Mike: Im going to say something to you very revolutionary. And Im going to say something to you that some are going to take the wrong way and are going to get angry about. So be it.No one is unemployed in this country that wants to work. No one. Zero point zero. Not a soul. Not a solitary […]

todayOctober 19, 2011 13


Kevin Gutzman Interview On Constitutionality of 9-9-9

[mp3t track='13102011_Interview_Gutzman_999_unconstitutional_Why_novelty_candidates_are_appealing.mp3']Cain's 9-9-9 Plan IS Unconstitutional, Besides, "Who Is This Fellow?"NEW ORLEANS, LA. - Professor Kevin Gutzman joins Mike to analyze whether or not the national sales tax portion of Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan is Constitutional? But the real highlight of the discussion is Gutzman wondering why people are so infatuated with a man they hardly know and whose signature legislative achievement would be the invention of a NEW Federal […]

todayOctober 13, 2011 4


Lou Dobbs Interview: Return to Federalism and a Decentralized State

[mp3t track='07102011_Lou_Dobbs_edited.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, La. Mike spoke with Lou Dobbs about the need to return to a system rooted in federalism and an overall decentralization of power.See Mike on the Lou Dobbs TonightWhen: Monday, October 10th, 2011 at 7:00 pm EasternWhere: Fox Business Channel (check with your local satellite or cable provider for channel listings)About Lou DobbsLouis Carl "Lou" Dobbs (born September 24, 1945) is an American journalist, radio host, television […]

todayOctober 10, 2011 13


Neo Cons: American Assassinations No Big Deal our Hero Lincoln Did the Same thing

[mp3t track='04102011_Transcript_Krauthammer_Awlaki_Confederates_mowed_dow_as_citizens.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: This is Im going to play a little bit of the intro of Bret Baier asking the question, and then Krauthammers shocking response.[Clip] Woman: And the Constitution says you cannot deny a person due process. You cannot deny them life, liberty, property, without offering them due process.Goldberg: The Constitution says Congress can declare war, and everyone agreed that that was a declaration of war.Woman: […]

todayOctober 4, 2011 10


Sustaining Leviathan Requires You Surrender Your "Fair Share"

[mp3t track='29092011_Transcript_Keeping_Leviathan_requires_your_fair_share.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: You should be talking about getting rid of taxes, about reducing taxes, about getting rid of your ICC taxes, not finding new, more inventive ways to give this beast that resides on the Potomac River a new and creative way to steal and to extricate more of your or my hard-earned income. Youre approaching this from the wrong end of the damn spectrum. Youre […]

todaySeptember 30, 2011 18


Life's Problems Cannot be Solved by Central Planners of the Political-Class

[mp3t track='22092011_Transcript2_politicianbs_solve_little_because_they_know_little.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: But these are important questions here. I do not believe youre going to get an answer to any of them tonight because, ladies and gentlemen, my experience with todays politicians says that most of them do not do, do not perform, do not engage in serious, studious research. Theyre too busy trying to run our lives. Theyre too busy conspiring and concocting new ways […]

todaySeptember 23, 2011 5


Fox News-Google Debate: Live Commentary and Analysis

Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, La.- Join Mike Church tonight here on this page for live commentary and analysis during the Republican Candidates debate tonight in Orlando, Florida at 9PM Eastern sponsored by Fox News & Google in conjunction with the Republican Party of Florida. Tonight's debate will be moderated by Bret Baier and joined by his fellow Fox News anchors Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace as panelists.Tonight's debate will also feature former […]

todaySeptember 22, 2011 10


The Unintended Consequences of Subsidies

[mp3t track='20092011_Transcript1_No_subsidies_needed.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: You know, the guy that called last, the smart-ass that called at the end of last segment, what was his name, AG? Was it Mark? Mark in Georgia.AG: Yes.Mike: Yeah, the smart feller that called at the [chuckling]Comment(s), there was a smart feller rearrange the words. The smart feller to, Well, what kind of guarantees can you give us out here that your stupid […]

todaySeptember 20, 2011 10
