
1980 Results / Page 216 of 220



Battered Citizen Syndrome, it is time to Divorce the Federal Government

[mp3t track='29042011_Transcript1Why_Faith_in_reforms.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, La. - In every other facet of life, whether in business or when a personal relationship is no longer working and cannot be salvaged, options such as closing the doors or filing for divorce provide an opportunity for both parties to start over. However, despite the ever-climbing deficit and that the great deck chair reshuffling of 2010 has shown to bear little fruit, we as Americans are […]

todayApril 30, 2011 3


The Arrogance of the Entitlement Class (video)

On Monday Neil Cavuto interviewed Representative Bernice Johnson (D-TX) to discuss the burgeoning debt problem and recent budget debate in Congress. Unfortunately for her constitutents, Representative Johnson suffers from such a severe case of cognitive dissonance, that it is unlikely she is capable of offering them any leadership whatsoever. her insistance that "money grows on trees" and that the federal government will forever have access to limitless credit card, led […]

todayApril 20, 2011 4


GE War Machine Propaganda Arm, MSNBC Attempts to Smear Nullification Movement

Quick LinksOriginal Smear Reportby: Rachel Maddow "Toys in the Attic Strike Again"by: Michael Boldin"Liberals for Slavery"by: Jack Hunter(WIRE REPORT) - Editor's Note: As Americans express renewed interest in the Constitution, as well as the philosophy of little-r republicanism as espoused by Mr. Jefferson and Madisons Virginia & Kentucky resolution, the War-Industry via Old-Media outlets have taken the occasion of the Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War to go on the […]

todayApril 14, 2011 8


The Idiocy of Government Mandated High Efficiency Washing Machines

[mp3t track='31032011_transcript_1_Appliances_what_we_squander.mp3']AG: Procter & Gamble.Mike: Procter & Gamble makes Tide, thank you. And he was chewing that woman out who was and Rand was saying, Im offended. This is appalling that you think that you can come into my house and regulate my toilet and my shower, and my appliances dont work anymore. And remember, we did a whole, just accidentally stumbled onto this subject. And for two or three […]

todayMarch 31, 2011 5


Interview: Professor Kevin Gutzman -Do we Need a Standing Army?

[mp3t track='31032011_Guztman_int_War_Powers_seg3.mp3']Prof. Gutzman: Government on Unsustainable Path Annually Borrowing 40% of what it spends AdvertisementSTUDIO D - Professor Kevin Gutzman joins Mike on the DudeMaker Hotline to discuss the necessary debate now occurring amongst Constitutionalists, Tea-Partiers, GOP statists, and members of the LibertyMovement over a President's ability to use the military without seeking adeclaration from the Congress."Teddy Roosevelt was completely contemptuous of the idea of limited power in the central […]

todayMarch 31, 2011 9


BEST of INTERVIEW: Prof. Gutzman -Do we Need a Standing Army?

[mp3t track='31032011_Guztman_int_War_Powers_seg3.mp3']Prof. Gutzman: Government on Unsustainable Path Annually Borrowing 40% of what it spendsSTUDIO D - Professor Kevin Gutzmanjoins Mike on the DudeMaker Hotline to discuss the necessary debate now occurring amongst Constitutionalists, Tea-Partiers, GOP statists, and members of the Liberty Movement over a President's ability to use the military without seeking a declaration from the Congress."Teddy Roosevelt was completely contemptuous of the idea of limited power in the central […]

todayMarch 31, 2011 9


EXCLUSIVE Interview: Dr. Tom Woods Responds to Mark Levin on War Powers

STUDIO-D - Dr. Tom Woods responds to the ad hominem attacks levied againsthim over the controversy surrounding the Constitutional ability or lack thereoffor a President to wage "offensive" war without receiving a proper Declaration for suchfrom the Congress. The issue became a point of derision for radio host andformer Reagan cabinet adviser Mark Levin who pointed to previous instances ofthe Executive branch waging undeclared wars as justification and labeled Dr.Woods […]

todayMarch 29, 2011 14


Interview: Professor Livingston Dissects the State of the Union

Professor Livingston: This is not, nor was America ever a Republic   STUDIO D - Mike interviews Professor Donald Livingston from Emory University located just outside of Atlanta in Druid Hills, Georgia. Known as one of the premiere authorities on David Hume, he is also a highly praised Constitutional scholar, who brings his unique understanding of the Founding Generation's intent on the Union. His critiques on Lincoln as well as […]

todayMarch 24, 2011 7


Government Entitlements Acclimate Future Generations to Accept Lost Liberty

[mp3t track='24032011_transcript_1_Thomson_Mason.mp3']MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA With each legislative oppression weendure, the consequences reach much further than the headlines of the day. Forwhile apathy is in and of itself a most dreadful condition, the effects onfuture generations is the gravest result. For in our inaction, by silent proxy,we tell our children that such intervention by government in to our lives isthe new normal.We see this folly illustrated quite succinctly in our own lives,as […]

todayMarch 24, 2011 7
