
1980 Results / Page 217 of 220



The Difference Between Chernobyl and Japan – There IS a Difference

[mp3t track='18032011_Transcript_1.mp3'](Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA - If you've been paying any attention at all to the news lately, thenmore than likely you are aware than Japan should be the nextspokesperson for either of the following mottos: "Bad things happen inthrees" or "When it rains, it pours" (or in this case snows).It istruly unfortunate and and very heartbreaking to continuously watch thestruggles of the Japanese nation in trying to deal […]

todayMarch 18, 2011 21


Dr. Kevin Gutzman On The Line Discussing Energy, States' Rights & The Constitution

[mp3t track='17032011_Transcript_2_pt.3.mp3'](Audio) Mandeville, LA - On the show with us this morning we had a very special guest whom youknow well, he's been with us a number of times before and we're sure tosee him again in the future. Folks, It is always a pleasure to have Dr.KevinGutzman on the DudeMaker HotLine, he may hold the record! The more wehear from Dr. Gutzman the more he tends to be less […]

todayMarch 17, 2011 9


The Republic of Sedgwick, Maine.

[mp3t track='16032011_Transcript_2.mp3'](Audio) Mandeville, LA - You may have noticed that on this show wespend a considerable amount of time discussing, commenting and beingdisgusted with the atrocities of the Federal Gubbmint. The reason whywe can dedicate so much time to these said atrocities is because theyare as abundant, if not more so, than there's water in an Ocean. Betweenall the safety-net agencies, the spending, the deficit, the lack ofleadership and the […]

todayMarch 16, 2011 12


The Parrot Press Squawking Nuclear Holocaust in Japan

[mp3t track='16032011_Transcript_1.mp3'](Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA - Folks, please allow theKingDude to explain exactly what's going on here with the Parrot Pressand the members of the Fringe Media taking up all of your televisionnews time and frankly reporting scare tactics that are doing nothingshort of scaring the daylights out of uninformed Americans. What youhave to bring to the table when you're discussing the Parrot Press andFringe Media is that they […]

todayMarch 16, 2011 10


Travis Bowman, Descendant of Peter Francisco On The DudeMaker HotLine

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - You may not know it, in fact, odds are you definitely do not know it, unless you're a true American Patriot from Virginia or a perhaps a direct descendant of the dude this day is named after. You heard correctly, and what an honor it is to have Mr. Travis Bowman on the show, a 6th generation descendant of Peter Francisco - on Peter Francisco Day!

todayMarch 15, 2011 11


Texas Nationalist Movement Moving Twards Texas Independence

[mp3t track='04032011_Transcript_2.mp3'](Audio) Mandeville, LA - The Texas Nationalist Movement is going to hold a rallyat the State Capitol on Saturday urging lawmakers to put the matter ofTexas Independence before the State's voters in a non-binding form. Yesfolks, you read the previous statement correctly.It's no secret thatwhen secession talk begins to emit the ignition sparks the FederalGubbmint along with the Liberal Left get really scared and begin tooutcry, point, blame, slander, […]

todayMarch 4, 2011 13


Winston Elliott Of The Imaginative Conservative On The Republic & Conservatism

[mp3t track='03032011_Transcript_2_pt.3.mp3'](Audio) Mandeville, LA - (Audio) Mandeville, LA -There's a website out there that has becomea nice little outpost for the battle that's brewing between theDeceptiCONS and the PaleoCONS, the traditional conservatives. It's oneof the go-to websites daily for us here at the show and today we arefortunate enough to have the gentleman that put the ImaginativeConservative website together as well as heading the Center for theAmerican Republic and the […]

todayMarch 3, 2011 31


We Might Still Be Building The Railroads If Labor Unions Would've Interfered

[mp3t track='24022011_Transcript_1.mp3'](Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA - You may have heard ithere, you may have heard it other places, you may agree with it to thefullest degree, you may appose it until wit's end; but the bottomlineis that you've heard it, so know it isn't going anywhere. Yes folks,it's true, over the past fifty or so years we have gone from the envyof the industrialized world to the import capital […]

todayFebruary 24, 2011 9


Not Shrinking Government

[mp3t track='22022011_Transcript_1.mp3'] Related Material:New Panel, Same Problems - Cut The Deficit Already Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike:  And this is what youre seeing here.  Youre seeing the ultimate misdirection.  Here, listen to this from the Washington Compost here today:  Everyone knew Republicans would try to defund President Obamas signature healthcare overhaul.  Theyve made that clear since taking over the House majority.  And it was no surprise that they would strip federal […]

todayFebruary 22, 2011 15
